>What factors led to European exploration in the fifteenth century?


Mid-Fourteenth Century
  • Black Death kills approximately one-third of Europe’s population.

  • Portuguese led by Prince Henry the Navigator use new navigational tools and techniques to aid maritime exploration.

  • Portuguese ships reach Congo.

  • Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope.

  • Vasco da Gama sails to India.[[LP Photo: P02.02 Spanish Tapestry/ROA_704115_02_P02.JPEG]]

Historically, the East—not the West—attracted Europeans. Europeans did not venture across the North Atlantic until around AD 1000, when Norsemen founded a small fishing village at L’Anse aux Meadows on the tip of Newfoundland that lasted only a decade or so. When the world’s climate cooled, choking the North Atlantic with ice, the Norse left and other Europeans remained unaware of North America. Instead of looking to the West, wealthy Europeans developed tastes for luxury goods from Asia and Africa, and merchants competed to satisfy those desires. As Europeans traded with the East and with one another, they acquired new information about the world they inhabited. A few people—sailors, merchants, and aristocrats—took the risks of exploring beyond the limits of the world known to Europeans. Those risks could be deadly, but sometimes they paid off in new information, new opportunities, and eventually the discovery of a world entirely new to Europeans.

Spanish Tapestry This detail from a lavish sixteenth-century tapestry depicts Columbus (kneeling) receiving a box of jewels from Queen Isabella (whose husband, King Ferdinand, stands slightly behind her) in appreciation for his voyages to the New World.
© Julio Donoso/Corbis.