>How did President Clinton respond to the challenges of globalization?


  • Israel and PLO sign peace accords.

  • North American Free Trade Agreement signed.

  • United States sends troops to Haiti.

  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade establishes World Trade Organization.

  • United States, with NATO, bombs Serbia.

  • United States bombs terrorist sites in Afghanistan and Sudan.

  • United States bombs Iraq.

America’s economic success in the 1990s was linked to its dominance in a world economy that was undergoing tremendous transformations in a process called globalization—the growing integration and interdependence of national citizens and economies. President Clinton lowered a number of trade barriers, despite heated arguments about whether that was in the country’s best interest. Debates likewise arose over the large numbers of immigrants entering the United States.

Clinton agreed with Bush that the United States must retain its supreme position in the world. He used military force in Somalia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe, and he pushed hard to ease the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Clinton also strove to safeguard American interests from terrorist attacks around the world, a challenge in some ways more difficult than combating communism.