Description: Academic Writers
Larry Thompson
And when you write and describe something in a technical
nature, you want to try to turn people into an expert in that field as quickly
and as easily as you can. And that's why tying things together as far as touch,
smell, and visual perception are key.
Miles Jordan
Describing music is kind of hard for me, since I'm not a
musician. But since blues is a feeling,
the feeling comes across. You can feel it or you don't. That's always a difficult thing. You try to give
'em the flavor of the place, if it's a full crowd, if it's a cheesy crowd. But
then you want to let them know, what was the reaction? Did they just sit there
like an oil painting, did they come unglued after every number, were they out there shaking that thing on the dance
Using images, metaphors and similes in writing, does help.
Rick Estrin's harmonica playing comes from way deep inside
him. I can… in my very first review of them I talked about his deep dish
harmonica sound. Deep-dish, it sounds like southern to me, very tasty, hot,
spicy, you know, kind of the way he plays.
Well I think it helps to try and get as much detail as you
can into a review.
Little Charlie just wears regular clothes, the rest of the
band wears regular clothes, it's Rick Estrin who has this classic idea of a
Chicago musician, which is dressed to the teeth. Got his own 50s pomp, got a
killer pressed suit, solid necktie, sharkskin suit, you know, dynamite press on
the clothes. But this guy comes out lookin' like someone who just stepped outta
the pages of Esquire gentleman's quarterly.
Comparison and contrast. I suppose
I've done it, I'm sure that, these people say comparisons are odious, but
they're not actually. 'Cause he comes
out, Little Charlie does, and really gets the crowd going with this stunning
attack on jump blues, I mean this guy can play guitar like nobody can. Charlie
Christian, T. Bone Walker, it's all in there. Even a little
taste of Django Reinhart. And he just spins it all together effortlessly
Little Charlie's playing incorporates a lot of jazz into it. And that's a part that particularly appeals to me because I came to blues through jazz. I dug jazz before I dug blues. And so when I hear him knock out something by Charlie Christian, it just brings a smile to my face.
Dave Daley
The ability to describe in agriculture, is absolute, it's
the ability to make observations, obviously. But in terms of describing in agriculture, in a scientific discipline
though, you use much as much concrete factual information as you can
document. For example, you wouldn't
conduct a research trial and say it was hot that summer. You'd say what the ambient temperature was
for how many days, over what period. What the sunlight exposure was, that the animals and the crop were
exposed to.