Reading Critically: Real-World Writers
David Ellefson
The first time that I read a contract, I was frightened because my father, who was a
farmer, was really a business man, he was a business man who ran a farm, is
what he was, and he instilled in me some very, I think, common business
practice and ethics. And one of the things he always used to tell me when I was
a teenager was, 'don't ever sign a contract without having read it first.' So
I'd get these contracts, I couldn't understand them, and I'm like, well I read
it, does that qualify? I don't know what the hell it means you know, but does
it qualify that I read it?' And I read through a music publishing contract
recently that I understood a lot better because I wrote the book. Because in
writing the book, I myself had to do a lot of research because I found out how
naive I was about music publishing.
Keena Turner
So there's an immense
amount of reading from that standpoint, for any player on the team to know his
opponent the following week, and really feel as though you've done your
homework. And when game time comes, you can anticipate a little more the kinds
of things that are going to happen because you've read about them and watched
them on tape and practiced against them during the
Whitlow Au
Any scientist needs to do a lot of reading before he even
does a project. And even as he's doing a project he needs to continue to read
because there are so many other people doing different kinds of work, doing
really good work and they publish the work and so you have to read to keep
abreast of what's happening in your field. Reading scientific articles is hard
work. Because you have to concentrate. You have to try
to get the nuances of what the author's trying to convey.
David Guterson
I spend a lot of time reading things of all sorts. And I
don't distinguish between—I never read merely for pleasure. That is I don't say
to myself, 'I think I want to be entertained, I'll find a book to read.' A book
to me is more than that, there's always more going on than merely taking
pleasure from it. I'm always learning something.
Kim Stanley Robinson
I found that when I was
teaching writing that you can just ask students this question: do you read for
fun? And shockingly, you'll find a lot of college students that don't read for
fun and really have rarely read anything except what they were forced to in
schools. Those people are in big
trouble, because writing is a process of doing things on the page with
sentences as opposed to just talking. Whatever students read is their own
business and is good for their writing. I mean anything. Cereal
boxes and comic books. I don't, as a science fiction writer, I would not
agree with any kind of hierarchical ranking of any fiction. If you're reading for fun then you're learning
things about the world.