Revising: Real-World Writers

Revising: Real-World Writers

Revising: Real-World Writers

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1. In this video, writers describe ways that they revise their work. Novelist and teacher Charles Johnson writes multiple drafts. In the first draft he discovers whether or not he has something worthwhile to say. In the second draft, he cuts and adds material. In the third draft, he polishes what he has written. Novelist David Guterson and columnist Dave Barry revise as they write. Actress Debra Wilson welcomes responses to her work during revision. Describe and evaluate the ways you revised one of your pieces of writing. Choose a piece of written work that you have done recently. First describe how you revised this piece of writing. (Note: You may have used the same revision techniques that authors in the video use, or you may have used others, or a combination.) Discuss whether the ways you revised were effective or not effective, what you might do differently, and why.


2. Recall a time when you turned in a piece of writing that should have had more revision. What keeps you from revising your work, even when you know it could benefit from revision? What keeps you from making large-scale or small-scale changes that may be necessary? Referring to one or two particular writing assignments, explain your answer.