00:02 [TITLE] Illustrators
00:07 GIRL: Mmm, yeah. So yeah, once you've made the left, you're going to, you're going to hit the entrance there. And there's, like, all these little,
00:16 [gesturing with right hand to her right side] GIRL: like, trees on the right-hand side. With all these little white, like, Christmas lights on them and stuff?
00:21 [moves right hand in front of her body, illustrating "round and round" with her fingers] GIRL: And then the gate is right in front of you. It's like one of those big, sort of, like, loopy kind of iron gates that has the bars and the kind of scallopy stuff on top. [Fade to black.]
00:35 [TEXT ONSCREEN] Illustrators: A gesture used to accent or illustrate a verbal message.