00:01 [TITLE] Supportive climate
00:07 [ MAN #1, WOMAN #1, MAN #2 and WOMAN #2 sit at table; WOMAN #3 stands between MAN #2 and WOMAN #2. All have notes.] WOMAN #1: Okay, guys. Let's get the updates on your various projects for the new wing. How's construction going?
00:12 WOMAN #2: Structure's up. We're on track with budget, which is fantastic. The only issue is with the heating and cooling system. Some zones are a little hotter than others, but I have somebody coming in tomorrow to look at it.
00:23 WOMAN #1: Great! You've got it under control.
00:25 [to WOMAN #2] MAN #1: What about the email for the blueprints? Weren't you supposed to send me those yesterday? I've been waiting.
00:29 [to MAN #1] WOMAN #2: I thought you were going to --
00:30 MAN #1: For the parking lot.
00:30 WOMAN #2: -- get those directly from the architect, right? Or --
00:33 [to MAN #1] WOMAN #1: Do you have his contact information?
00:34 MAN #1: I don't, no.
00:35 [to WOMAN #2] WOMAN #1: Could you send that to him?
00:35 [to MAN #1] WOMAN #2: Oh, I thought you already had it. Sure, I'll send it this afternoon.
00:38 MAN #1: Great, thanks. Thank you.
00:40 WOMAN #1: All right. Okay, how about the electrical outlets? How's that going?
00:43 WOMAN #3: It's going. They're in. They're just in the wrong place. They were put in by the door, and they need to be at the back end where you put the desks in, where there's room for that.
00:50 WOMAN #1: Right, I remember.
00:51 WOMAN #3: So I was actually hoping that Emily could meet with me this afternoon?
00:54 [to WOMAN #3] WOMAN #2: Yeah, I didn't realize that was an issue. Yeah, let's meet.
00:57 WOMAN #3: Thank you.
00:58 WOMAN #1: You guys can figure that out. How about the tables and chairs. Did that come in?
01:02 MAN #2: Well, we only got half of the order.
01:04 WOMAN #1: Oooh.
01:05 MAN #2: So the rest will be in in a week. I'm trying to see if I can make it sooner. I'm going to be on the phone with him as soon as the meeting's over, so --
01:11 WOMAN #1: It's a bit tight. Just let me know if you need me to get on the phone with him to see if they can rush that, since it's a little bit tight on schedule.
01:17 MAN #2: Totally understand.
01:19 WOMAN #1: All right. There are a few issues, but I think you guys have it under control. Why don't we meet up again in a week, just to see where we are? Does that sound good?
01:26 [simultaneously with two below lines] WOMAN #2: That works for me.
01:27 [simultaneously with line above and line below] MAN #2: Perfect.
01:27 [simultaneously with two above lines] MAN #1: Great.
01:28 WOMAN #1: Okay, I'll send out a meeting request.
01:30 [TEXT ONSCREEN] Supportive climate: A climate that offers communicators a chance to honestly and considerately explore the issues involved in the conflict situation.