00:02 [TITLE] Forming
00:06 [From left to right, ADA, JASON, BIANCA, EMILY, DAVID sit around a table] EMILY: Thank you guys for being here today. As you know, we are here because we want to do something to kind of celebrate the memory of Kate, David's sister, and a longtime volunteer here at the library. Gosh, I think she's been volunteering -- or, she was volunteering -- for 10 years and hasn't missed a Saturday reading to the children since I've been librarian here. So David came to us with this great idea for a mural. And so, since we don't really know each other, why don't we just go around and introduce ourselves? I'm Emily, as I said. I'm the librarian here.
00:43 DAVID: And I'm David. I'm Katie's brother.
00:47 BIANCA: Hi, I'm Bianca. We went to college together.
00:49 DAVID: Oh cool. Hi, Bianca.
00:51 JASON: I'm Jason, her coworker.
00:54 ADA: Ada. Kate was my neighbor.
00:56 DAVID: Excellent. So basically the idea is that, you know, Katie was really into the arts, and one of the things she did on Saturday, in addition to read to the kids, is do a little art therapy with them. Teach a little drawing, a little painting. And so that's how we kind of came up with the idea for the mural, but we need to raise the money.
01:15 EMILY: Right, so, we were talking, and we thought that an auction would be a great way to kind of raise the funds quickly.
01:20 ALL: Oh, yeah, yeah!
01:24 [TEXT ONSCREEN] Forming: The stage of group development when group members try to negotiate who is in charge and what the group's goals will be.