00:02 [TITLE] Regulators
00:07 [Two WOMEN and MAN stand in a group.] WOMAN #2: The problem is, is they're all just so cute.
00:09 WOMAN #1: I know.
00:09 [While WOMAN #2 is talking, MAN #1 and WOMAN #1 interject "yeah" and "I know" periodically. WOMAN #2: The flat-faced ones are so cute, with all the hair and stuff. And then they had these Scottish bald ones that are kind of stocky little <inaudible> little cats, with little tails. But they're actually not like the Persians, so they don't require as much maintenance, which is very important. Because as busy as I am,
00:22 [ MAN takes WOMAN #1's hand and looks at her watch.]
00:24 WOMAN #2: I don't know that I really have time to comb a cat every day like that. Which is something that's really important for Persians --
00:27 [ MAN #2 enters.] MAN #2: Hey, guys!
00:28 WOMAN #1: Hey.
00:28 MAN #2: What's going on?
00:29 MAN #1: [turns toward WOMAN #2] What's up?
00:29 [WOMAN #2 turns away from MAN #2 towards MAN #1.] WOMAN #2: Hey. They get these knots,
00:30 [ MAN #2 exits.]
00:31 WOMAN #2: they get these mats in them, and then you have to take them in and sometimes they have to shave them. And then they give them what's called the lion cut, which is really cute because it's like a little, big old head –
00:40 TEXT [ONSCREEN] Regulator: A gesture used to control the exchange of conversational turns during interpersonal encounters.