00:01 [ONSCREEN] "We" language

00:06 [ MAN and EMILY sit on a couch facing each other. EMILY's leg is curled under her.] MAN: So, Emily, what's going on? You sounded so upset!

00:08 EMILY: I don't know, I'm just so stressed out. There's been these unofficial rumors that there's going to be layoffs, and a lot of hushed conversations, and you know, I just started two months ago…

00:18 [talking over EMILY] MAN: Right.

00:18 EMILY: Like, I would be the rational choice to cut first.

00:20 MAN: Well, we don't know that you're going to get laid off or that there are going to be any layoffs at all, so…

00:26 [upset] EMILY: I'm just -- I don't know how I'm going to survive without a job. I just found this job, and now there's, like -- they're talking about possibly laying people off.

00:34 DAVID: Well, if it comes to that, we can update your resume, we can look and see what types of jobs are out there. I mean, for somebody as talented as you, you shouldn't be worrying too much about this.

00:43 EMILY: I mean, I wouldn't even be able to put this on my resume. Like, two months and then I get laid off? Great.

00:48 MAN: We can figure out a way to, you know, to get that taken care of, to get your resume looking fantastic, and get something even better for you with no problem.

00:58 EMILY: I interviewed at, like, hundreds of places. I can't do that again!

01:02 MAN: [nods] Right. Well, you know, what we need to do is worry about that if it comes down. But for right now, we should go do something fun and relaxing and just get your mind off this, and just have a fun night.

01:17 [ONSCREEN] "We" language: Communication that uses the pronoun we in sentence construction to express your connection to others.