00:01 [ONSCREEN] Agentic friendships

00:06 [WOMAN #1 and WOMAN #2 stand at a table holding cups of coffee] WOMAN #2: Hey, I meant to ask you. How are your tomato plants coming in this year?

00:09 WOMAN #1: They're doing so well. Oh, just bright red and juicy. I brought some in my lunch today. If, um, you can try some, if you'd like.

00:15 WOMAN #2: I would love to because, you know, I can't seem to get my tomatoes to grow.

00:18 WOMAN #1: I didn't know you were growing tomatoes!

00:20 WOMAN #2: Yeah, this is my first year, trying, you know, give it a shot.

00:23 WOMAN #1: Yeah!

00:24 WOMAN #2: And nothing's happening. All of the leaves have holes in them.

00:27 WOMAN #1: You probably have, like, a bug issue or something.

00:28 WOMAN #2: You think so?

00:29 WOMAN #1: Yeah.

00:30 WOMAN #2: I don't know what to do about it.

00:31 WOMAN #1: You know, I know a thing or two. I mean, you want me to come over and take a look sometime?

00:35 WOMAN #2: I would really appreciate that.

00:36 [simultaneous with above line] WOMAN #1: Help you out? Sure!

00:37 WOMAN #2: Definitely.

00:37 WOMAN #1: Sure.

00:38 WOMAN #2: How does this weekend sound?

00:39 WOMAN #1: Uh... I have plans with a couple of friends to go shopping this weekend.

00:43 WOMAN #2: Oh, that sounds like fun.

00:44 WOMAN #1: Yeah, I'm excited about it. Um...how about the following Saturday?

00:48 WOMAN #2: Saturday definitely works for me.

00:49 WOMAN #1: Maybe noontime?

00:50 WOMAN #2: Noon works.

00:51 WOMAN #1: Cool.

00:51 [simultaneously with above line] WOMAN #2: Perfect.

00:52 WOMAN #1: We can make a day of it, make lunch from your produce from the garden. [laughing]

00:55 WOMAN #2: Well, I think you'd better bring the tomatoes.

00:57 WOMAN #1: I'll do that.

00:58 WOMAN #2: Okay, how about I give you my address and some directions and I'll see you at 12:00 on Saturday?

01:02 WOMAN #1: That's sounds great.

01:04 WOMAN #2: Great, thank you. I really appreciate it.

01:05 WOMAN #1: You're welcome, sure. It'll be fun.

01:06 WOMAN #2: Cool.

01:08 [ONSCREEN] Agentic friendships: Voluntary relationships focused on achieving specific practical goals.