00:01 [ONSCREEN] Consensual families

00:07 [SON and DAUGHTER sit on a couch. DAD enters holding a card.] DAD: Hey, guys.

00:08 SON: Hey, Dad.

00:08 DAUGHTER: Hey.

00:09 DAD: Listen, I've got the card for Grandma and Grandpa's 50th anniversary next week, next Saturday.

00:14 [SON looks up at DAD and takes card] SON: What?

00:15 [DAUGHTER looks up at DAD] DAUGHTER: Do we have to go?

00:16 DAD: Guys. Fifty years of loving marriage, of course you have to go.

00:19 [whining] DAUGHTER: Ohhh, we just saw them last week!

00:20 SON: Grandma and Grandpa are so annoying, Dad.

00:22 DAUGHTER: Yeah.

00:23 DAD: Look, I know they're frustrating sometimes. They give you a hard time about your jobs…

00:27 [simultaneous with DAD's line] SON: Yeah!

00:27 DAD: …and who you're dating.

00:28 [simultaneous with DAD's line] DAUGHTER: Yeah!

00:28 DAD: But you know what? It's an important event. You gotta think about their smiles. We gotta go, it's important. I expect you there.

00:36 [DAUGHTER rolls her eyes] DAUGHTER: Whatever.

00:38 SON: Okay, fine. [takes out card and starts to sign it]

00:42 [ONSCREEN] Consensual families: Families characterized by high levels of conformity and conversation orientation.