Acknowledging opposing arguments to bolster credibility
Anecdote (humorous)
Anecdote (personal) in an informative introduction
Anecdote (with statistic)
Angelou, 1993 Presidential Inauguration
Apologizing for delivery errors (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Attention getter: Humor
Attention getter (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Attention getter: Quotation from philosopher
Attention getter: Quotation from poem
Attention getter: Rhetorical questions
Attention getter: Startling action and humor
Attention getter: Startling action
Attention getter: Startling fact
Attention getter, support, creative preview
Attention getter: Too complex (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Audience interaction
Audience interaction: Too confusing (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Body movement (awkward humor) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Body movement (podium) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Boehner, Turning Over the Gavel
Brady, 1996 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
Busch, Preparing for Unplanned Pregnancy
Bush, September 2001 Address to Congress
Carter, Eulogy of Gerald Ford
Castro, UN Earth Summit Address
Chen, If You Have Your Health You Have Your Wealth
Churchill, St. James Palace Speech
Citing someone else's idea
Citing sources (correctly) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Citing sources (credibility) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Citing sources (in the speech) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Citing sources (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Citing sources (paraphrase)
Citing sources (statistics)
Citing sources (statistics and facts)
Citing sources (statistics and facts) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Citing sources (statistics and facts) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Citing sources (statistics and testimony)
Claims: Fact (appeals to emotion + credibility)
Claims: Fact
Claims: Fact (needs support) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Claims: Fact (no evidence) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Claims: Policy
Claims: Policy (evidence, common ground, reasoning)
Claims: Policy (motivational warrant that appeals to emotion)
Clarifying information: Comparison
Clarifying information: Relevance
Classical appeals: Logos (logic)
Classical appeals: Pathos (emotion)
Clincher: Evokes response
Clincher: Inspirational
Clincher: Motivates action
Clincher: Motivates action
Confidence (personal anecdote)
Conveying information: Demonstration
Conveying information: Description
Conveying information: Description, explanation, analogy
Conveying information: Narrative (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Definition: Example
Definition: Examples (popular culture references)
Definition: Operational (functional)
Definition: Operational (functional) from dictionary
Definition: Operational (functional) from expert
Di Chiara, SGA Presidential Candidate Address
Dressing appropriately (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
DuBoise, Central Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking
Establishing connections
Ethically acknowledging reasonable opposing arguments
Examples (humorous)
Expectancy-outcome values theory
Eye Contact
Facial expressions (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fact (personal appeal and credibility)
Fallacy: Ad hominem (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Ad hominem (used humorously) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Appeal to tradition (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Bandwagon (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Begging the question (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Either-or (false dilemma) diplomacy v. WWIII (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Either-or (false dilemma) urbanization v. weaponization (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Hasty generalization (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Red Herring (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Fallacy: Slippery slope (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Figures of speech: Allusion
Figures of speech: Analogy increases understanding
Figures of speech: Analogy (pipeline as circulatory system)
Figures of speech: Humor and sarcasm
Figures of speech: Hyperbole
Figures of speech: Hyperbole (used humorously)
Figures of speech: Irony and humor
Figures of speech: Irony
Figures of speech: Metaphor
Figures of speech: Simile
Full conclusion
Full conclusion (thesis, main points, and closing)
Full conclusion with memorable close
Full introduction: Attention getter, thesis, and preview
Full introduction: Question, thesis, preview, and transition
Full introduction to informative speech
Full introduction to persuasive speech
Gagnon, Tribute to Disney Princesses
Garvin, Should Marijuana be Decriminalized?
Garza, How to Buy a Guitar
Gehrig, Farewell Address
Gentz, My Hero, Marilyn Hamilton
Gephardt, A Plea for Civility
Gestures: Effective
Gestures: Effective in demonstration
Gestures: In informative speaking
Gestures: In special occasion speaking
Gestures: Overly scripted (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Gestures: Should seem natural (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Glaser, 1992 Speech to the Democratic National Convention
Gonzales, Bullying in Schools
Humor used effectively
Hutchison, Freedom and Success
Jackson, The Rainbow Coalition: Speech to the 1984 Democratic National Convention
Jordan, 1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
Kennedy, I Am A Berliner
Kim, The Nonmonetary Uses of Gold
Kotter, Inspired by a Beagle
Kruckenberg, Child Slavery and the Production of Chocolate
Kruckenberg, John Kanzius and the Quest to Cure Cancer
Lama, Spirituality in Today's World
List, Gender-based Responses in Sports Chatrooms
Malcolm X, Democracy is Hypocrisy
Mandela, Acceptance of Congressional Gold Medal
Martinez, Extra Credit You Can Live Without
McAleese, Notre Dame Commencement
McAlister, Arsenic in our Water Supply
McDaniel, Ex Astris Scientia
Memorable close: Quotation
Memorable closing statement
Moise, Humanity 4 Haitian Development
Morales, Without Liberty and Justice for All
Nantz, Message in a Bottle
New information
New information needed (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Nixon, Checkers Speech
Obama, 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote
Overholser, What is Good Journalism?
Overused topic (new information) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Patterns of arrangement: Causal
Patterns of arrangement: Causal (multiple causes for single effect)
Patterns of arrangement: Causal (single cause for multiple effects)
Patterns of arrangement: Chronological (temporal)
Patterns of arrangement: Monroe's motivated sequence
Patterns of arrangement: Narrative
Patterns of arrangement: Problem-cause-solution
Patterns of arrangement: Problem-cause-solution
Patterns of arrangement: Problem-solution
Patterns of arrangement: Refutation
Patterns of arrangement: Spatial
Patterns of arrangement: Topical (categorical)
Pelosi, Becoming Speaker of the House
Personal interest
Personal interest + needs new information (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Poplin, The Importance of Community Service and Civic Engagement
Posters (multiple)
Posters show elements of a process
Presentation software: Checking beforehand (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Presentation software: Clarity (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Presentation software: Doing it yourself (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Presentation Software (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Presentation Software: Over-reliance (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Presentation Software: Simplicity (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Presenting information neutrally
Preview statement
Preview statement (missing) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Previews, transitions, and summaries
Quotation (appeals to emotion)
Rate and understanding (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Reagan, Moscow State University Address
Reasoning: Inductive
Reeve, 1996 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
Reining, End of the World
Roosevelt, May 27, 1941 Fireside Chat
Roth, Emergency in the Emergency Room
Royzspal, Litter
Sharpton, Eulogy of Michael Jackson
Singh, The Importance of Playing Sports Has Grown Over Time
Speaking effectively: Informal language
Speaking effectively: Vivid language
Speaking effectively: Vividness and alliteration
Speaking extemporaneosly in a persuasive speech: Practice with outline (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Speaking extemporaneously
Speaking extemporaneously in an impromptu speech
Speaking extemporaneously: Overrelying on notes (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Speaking extemporaneously overusing notecards (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Speaking extemporaneously: Practice with outline (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Speaking extemporaneously using notecards
Speaking from memory
Speaking from memory
Speaking memorably: Alliteration (exaggerated)
Speaking memorably: Alliteration (subtle)
Speaking memorably: Antithesis (development v. optimal development)
Speaking memorably: Antithesis (outmoded v. cutting edge)
Speaking memorably: Consonance
Speaking memorably: Repetition
Speaking memorably: Repetition (campaign)
Steps in a full conclusion
Supporting material (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Supporting material (neutral) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Supporting material (secondary research) (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Taylor, Tales of Grandmothers
Thatcher, Eulogy of Ronald Reagan
Thesis statement
Thesis statement: Needs focus (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Thesis statement: Too brief (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Transition between main points
Transitions (effective)
Tran, The Power to Question
Turdy, Title IX
Use of language: Analogy (aptamer as G.P.S.)
Vocal fillers and eye contact (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Vocal fillers and lack of smoothness (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Vocal variety (in informative speaking)
Vocal variety (in the conclusion)
Volume: Too loud (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
Warrants: Analogy
White, The Dance of Life
Wiesel, 2006 Dartmouth College Commencement
Wolf, Scripps College Commencement