DAVE DILLON: I think that students coming into college for the first time often have difficulty reading college textbooks. And one piece of advice that I give them is to read anything, whether it be newspapers, magazines, library books, books about subjects that they're passionate about.
VANESSA BAUTISTA: When I read books that are fun, it's usually a story. And when you're reading story it's easier to kind of understand the story because it doesn't give you like concepts to memorize. It allows your brain to kind of relax because you're just entertaining your brain. And so I guess, in textbooks-- I guess it's always new material. So it's kind of hard to retain that information and remember.
DAVE DILLON: We as a department recommend that they assess in English and take English and or reading classes. Our studies have shown that the students that start in English early are going to have better grades and be more successful in the rest of their classes than the students that don't take English and the reading classes early.