STUDENT 1: A week before I take the test, I would take the practice test online. And the day before, I would just relax versus cramming for it.

STUDENT 2: Right before a test, I review what I read. I talk to others. And I pray. Pray for my test and hope the Lord give me all the answers and just write my hand on the right bubble.

STUDENT 3: For me, two weeks or more before a test, I usually look over my PowerPoint. I read the chapter as much as possible, but not too much because if you read too much you stop really learning. When I looked back learning after reading too much, for being handled.

On the day before the test, I should already know most of everything that I need to know. So I just review my notes, and I review PowerPoint. I look over the chapter. And then I stop.

STUDENT 4: About two weeks before a test, the way I like prepare for it is that the professor is giving out all this information. I just make sure I have like the little blotches of information. Make sure I have all that I need to have. And then about a week before, put all of that information together. Make it one big picture. Make it one big idea that I can grasp. And make sure it all relates to each other. And I can see how it fits together.

And then about two, three days before, study it. Like really look at this picture, really find the pieces that make it a real idea. And about the day before, maybe read over it once or twice. But chill, don't worry about it. Think about it, yeah, but don't beat yourself up about it.

And when I sit down to take the test, I just take a breath. I'm still going to be alive after this test, so it's not going to kill me if I don't do well. But just make sure I'm calm for it and just plunge right in.