SPEAKER 1: I'm sleeping in to late. So my next semester I'm going to try to take early classes, so I get up, I get motivated, and I don't waste my day.

SPEAKER 2: What I picked up along the way coming into school, I had just turned 18. So I was partying a lot. But I picked morning classes to stay on the routine of--

SPEAKER 1: Getting up.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah, getting up early, and going to school, which was a bad idea because I was always late. I still passed 8:00 AM classes, which I am always late for still. Also, I was working a job, and I was going to school. But then I was also doing a league for field hockey. So I was cramming everything in, which I'm doing now.

SPEAKER 1: You were getting burnt out.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah. I didn't learn my lesson. I'm taking six courses now. But father along down the line I would never put so much pressure on myself as I did coming around the first time.

SPEAKER 3: One of problems that I've been having is controlling my cigarette smoking. I notice that I smoke lot more now that I've started going back to college. Actually, I was fortunate enough. I quit smoking for about three or four years. And then I just started smoking again.

SPEAKER 2: College will do that to you.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah. Stress. So trying to not smoke as much has been very difficult.

SPEAKER 4: I find myself tired all the time. And I was becoming a problem because I was coming to school tired. I was working so much and trying to be better at something that I was exhausted. I was overworking my body.

And every single-- at least I tried to manage that. When I realized that I was probably getting a little bit frustrated or aggravated because I was working too much, I will take a break. I would maybe have a snack or listen to music or just to relax me a little. And then I would probably go back with a fresh and clear mind.

And my thoughts would be much better, like, oh, I didn't understand this because I was putting so much emphasis on it that my brain was overworked. So by taking a break, maybe an hour or two, doing something to enjoy my own personal time, then going back to the material was like, oh, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, because at least I wasn't putting so much pressure on myself and in the subject I was actually learning.

SPEAKER 2: Oh, I at least will try to go out once a week. But that's the time to have with my friends. And then I do try to get the gym in there. I'm always active, even with a busy schedule, either gym, or sometimes I was in a league from playing field hockey, and just trying to just make sure I keep my mind sane.

SPEAKER 3: It's really hard to keep a strict diet because you're surrounded by cake, and pizza, and fried food. So the weekends are really hard for me, especially because when I work, we might not get out of the venue until about midnight, 1 o'clock. And at that point, all that's open are drive-throughs. So it's a lot of drive-throughs on the weekend.

SPEAKER 2: Oh, no.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah.

SPEAKER 2: You better be hitting it. You better be running with that dog.

SPEAKER 3: Oh, yeah. yeah.