Chapter 1. Information Literacy: Evaluating Bias and Intent in Documentary Presentations

1.1 Leveling Appalachia: The Legacy of Mountaintop Removal Mining

Short Description

~30 minute activity

Leveling Appalachia: The Legacy of Mountaintop Removal Mining, a video report produced by Yale Environment 360 in collaboration with MediaStorm, focuses on the environmental and social impacts of this practice and examines the long-term effects on the region’s forests and waterways. Form groups of 4-5 students. Select a “reporter” to write down group responses and a “spokesman” to share these with the class. Your task is to evaluate the focus and purpose of the video clip to determine if the documentary is likely to be a credible source of information about MTR. As you watch the video clip look for answers to the following guiding questions:

  • What kinds of images are shown? What is the overall tone of the video clip?
  • In terms of their relationship to coal mining, who is shown speaking for and who is shown speaking against MTR?
  • What reasons are given for and against MTR?
  • Is this video clip meant to inform or persuade?

[~6-8 minutes]

Long Description

At a time when the Obama administration is reviewing mining permit applications throughout West Virginia and three other states, this video offers a first-hand look at mountaintop removal and what is at stake for Appalachia’s environment and its people.






