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When they are projected on a screen, Lincoln has no difficulty recognizing common objects like a key, an apple, or a kitchen place setting. In contrast, the picture of a famous female face baffles him. In fact, he cannot tell whether the female is young or old. Only after given additional biographical information about the woman does he successfully guess who she is.
Faces do not all look the same to Lincoln. Rather, no face is recognizable. He sees individual features of faces, but fails to see the totality. His brain does not allow him to put the puzzle pieces together. Even when shown a picture of his own face, Lincoln does not recognize himself.
Lincoln's case reveals how our brains process faces. Each time we look at another person, a special facial recognition system is activated. Recognizing faces seems to be such a demanding and important part of our lives that an entire subsystem of the brain is devoted to the task. This area of the brain seems to play no role in our recognition of other objects.