Chapter 1. Hypnosis: Medical and Psychological Applications

1.1 Hypnosis: Medical and Psychological Applications

Short Description

Although old feature films may portray hypnosis as hocus pocus, the technique has become an important part of modern medicine. For example, surgeons may use hypnosis to relax patients who are undergoing minor but often very painful surgery. General anesthetic is not an option and local pain medication has its limits, especially with patients who are very anxious.

Long Description

Although old feature films may portray hypnosis as hocus pocus, the technique has become an important part of modern medicine. For example, surgeons may use hypnosis to relax patients who are undergoing minor but often very painful surgery. General anesthetic is not an option and local pain medication has its limits, especially with patients who are very anxious. Although hypnosis has long been used to help people lose weight and quit smoking, typically it has not been a part of traditional hospital medicine. However, this is changing. Research has indicated that hypnosis makes surgical procedures safer, more comfortable, and more efficient. Hypnotized patients need much less medication and experience fewer side effects. Billy was burned in a gasoline fire. A psychologist uses hypnosis to help him tolerate the pain of bandage removal. Excellent success in treating burn victims with hypnosis led the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support research on virtual reality hypnosis. Just before bandage change, patients put on headsets and travel through a three-dimensional canyon in which all is cool and peaceful. Early research findings suggest the technique is as effective as actual hypnosis in relieving pain. A majority of doctors now refer patients for hypnosis when they believe it to be appropriate. Pregnant women are taught to use hypnosis on themselves in preparation for labor. Finding that the technique is effective, the women are now bringing the strategy to the attention of their doctors. New mother Jody reports that, with her husband Larry helping her to remain hypnotized during labor, the experience was pain free. Hypnotist advocate David Spiegel hopes that hypnosis will become the first, rather than the last, strategy that doctors and patients turn to in alleviating pain. The technique is easy to perform, effective, and makes patients feel good about themselves.






