Chapter 1. Self-Image: Body Dissatisfaction Among Teenage...

1.1 Self-Image: Body Dissatisfaction Among Teenage...

Short Description

16-year-old Hayley indicates that she was only 13 years old when she first considered having corrective surgery on her breasts. Now, she is scheduled for breast augmentation. The surgeon explains that Hayley was concerned her breasts were too small and, in addition, they had a slight asymmetry.

Long Description

16-year-old Hayley indicates that she was only 13 years old when she first considered having corrective surgery on her breasts. Now, she is scheduled for breast augmentation. The surgeon explains that Hayley was concerned her breasts were too small and, in addition, they had a slight asymmetry. Hayley believed that she suffered a “deformity.” A photograph shows Hayleyís body and breasts to be normal. Hayleyís mother describes her daughter as an excellent student, a fine athlete, and socially popular. Still, she could not stand in front of a mirror without wearing a towel because she felt deformed. The motherís efforts to reassure Hayley were unsuccessful. Psychologist Lilly Freedland suggests that, for parents and teens, the definition of deformity has expanded to include anything that is not perfect. She worries that they may come to see surgery as a quick fix for what may not even be a problem. Dr. Freedland also questions whether teens have the necessary maturity to make such an important decision. One plastic surgeon states that he would not consider doing surgery for breast augmentation on any one under the age of 18. He questions whether a younger person is emotionally prepared to make that kind of decision. Such surgery, he argues, should not be viewed as a “haircut.” In addition, the surgeon has medical concerns because female breasts continue to develop between the ages of 16 and 18. Another surgeon agrees and notes that those coming for surgery often seem to think that looking good is more important than feeling good. These teenagers typically shrug off the potential surgical risks and younger girls continue to seek surgery. Unfortunately, he notes, a teenage girl often experiences each day as a Miss America beauty contest.






