This clip begins by mentioning some of the more serious psychological disorders and then talks about other distressing events that may cause people to seek treatment.
This clip begins by mentioning some of the more serious psychological disorders and then talks about other distressing events that may cause people to seek treatment. We are introduced to Linda who is recently divorced and who is having trouble coping with the dramatic change in her life. She expresses bitterness toward her ex-husband and describes some of the negative coping strategies she has been engaged in, such as overeating. The clip talks about the past when so-called "psychological treatments" were worse than the symptoms of the disorders they were supposed to treat. Psychotherapy and medication are greatly improved since days gone by and now offer a very real opportunity to obtain relief from psychological distress. Psychotherapy is defined as a helping relationship between an individual and a mental health professional. The clip closes by mentioning the major approaches to the treatment of psychological disorders.