Chapter 1. What is Stress?

1.1 What is Stress?

Short Description

The clip begins with a psychologist explaining that stress has three components.

Long Description

The clip begins with a psychologist explaining that stress has three components. The first component is the type of event we encounter. In most cases these stressful events have a negative connotation. We then meet a woman who describes when she first noticed an abnormal feeling in her breast that was later diagnosed as cancer. Because her daughter was soon to deliver a baby the woman did not tell her daughter of the breast cancer until the day after the baby was delivered. The daughter describes her feelings on that day. We are told that a second component of stress is that it is a discrepancy between what the situation demands and what you think your resources are. Our breast cancer patient describes her physical and mental reactions when her doctor gave her diagnosis. Finally we are told that the third component of stress is the physical reactions produced by the sympathetic nervous system.




