Chapter 1. Learning Through Visualization: A Gymnast Acquires New Skills

1.1 Learning Through Visualization: A Gymnast Acquires New Skills

Short Description

This video highlights the value of thinking in images. Rebecca, a gymnast, explains that she first starts learning her complex routine by watching someone else do it.

Long Description

This video highlights the value of thinking in images. Rebecca, a gymnast, explains that she first starts learning her complex routine by watching someone else do it. Then, she begins the progression of moves herself with constant feedback and encouragement from her coach. Rebecca attempts the routine. However, she fails to catch the bar in her first efforts. Trying an alternative approach, Rebecca rehearses the entire routine in her brain. She stands still and visualizes the stages of the somersault. After picturing each specific step in the routine, Rebecca performs the complex routine flawlessly. In fact, the moves become automatic. Although she realizes that actual competition will raises her level of anxiety, she will be able to remind herself that she has successfully performed the routine countless times.






