Chapter 1. ADHD and the Family

1.1 ADHD and the Family

Short Description

The video presents a case study in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Liam is a young boy who is out of control. He is fearless, impulsive, and careless to the point of running into busy traffic. He ignores parental warnings and seldom obeys. He is a source of enormous stress for his parents.

Long Description

Liam is constantly on the go and is easily distracted. His mother Eleanor reports that, because of his oppositional behavior, she and her husband Brian rarely take Liam along on shopping trips. Simply getting him back to the car is a challenge. A year ago, Liam's oppositional behavior produced so much stress that Eleanor sought medical help. Liam's school also became involved. On the playground, Liam shows little improvement. Eleanor and Brian became so concerned about their son's behavior that they turned to a community mental health agency for help. With an oppositional child like Liam, Eleanor explains that she is in a “no-win” situation. Trying to provide direction to Liam leads him to do the opposite. Psychologists believe that many ADHD children develop oppositional behavior as a reaction to constantly being told what to do. It is their way of coping with criticism of behavior over which they feel that they have no control. The video segment ends showing little change in Liam's behavior. In an effort to bring his behavior under control, his parents try a time-out in his room.




