Chapter 1. Depression

1.1 Depression

Short Description

The case of a 30-year-old man with clinical depression provides a video introduction to the major symptoms of the "common cold" of psychological disorders.

Long Description

The contents of Steve's "medication bag," which includes sleeping pills and antidepressants, immediately reveal that he suffers from more than a blue mood. In therapy, Steve admits he is discouraged about the future and has no motivation. Clearly, Steve's depression has had a long history. He expresses surprise that he has gotten this far. Steve concludes that moving forward in life with clinical depression is nearly impossible. In addition to confronting all the normal challenges of life, you are fighting feelings and emotions that are not based in reality. Although Steve's depression was diagnosed only three years earlier, he is convinced he has suffered from it all his life. In a closing scene Steve walks alone through a peaceful setting of hills, trees, and water.






