Composing and Revising


Writing is a process of figuring out what you think. Since it’s not possible to think about everything all at once, you will find the process more manageable if you handle a piece of writing in stages.

Think of writing as a process, moving from planning to drafting to revising, sometimes circling back to earlier stages as you explore and develop ideas.

Planning Formulating a working thesis Drafting Drafting the body

Writing process scheme.

Steps of the writing process:

  1. Planning. At this step, you are

    1. assessing the writing situation.
    2. exploring the subject.
    3. formulating a working thesis.
    4. outlining.
  2. Drafting. At this step, you are

    1. focusing on a main point.
    2. drafting an introduction.
    3. drafting the body.
    4. developing paragraphs.
    5. drafting a conclusion.
  3. Revising. At this step, you are

    1. seeking peer reviews.
    2. making global revisions.
    3. editing sentences.
    4. proofreading.
    5. reflecting on your writing.