Welcome to Writer’s Help 2.0, Lunsford Version!
The Top Twenty
The Top Twenty: Troubleshooting Your Writing
Quick Help: Taking a writing inventory
Top Twenty Editing Quizzes
Top Twenty Editing Quiz 1: “Thinking Globally by Eating Locally”
Top Twenty Editing Quiz 2: “Plagiarism in the Age of the Internet”
Top Twenty Videos
Wrong Word: The Video
Missing Comma with an Introductory Element: The Video
Incomplete or Missing Documentation: The Video
Vague Pronoun Reference: The Video
Spelling: The Video
Mechanical Error with a Quotation: The Video
Unnecessary Comma: The Video
Unnecessary or Missing Capitalization: The Video
Missing Word: The Video
Faulty Sentence Structure: The Video
Missing Comma with a Nonrestrictive Element: The Video
Unnecessary Shift in Verb Tense: The Video
Missing Comma in a Compound Sentence: The Video
Unnecessary or Missing Apostrophe: The Video
Fused (Run-on) Sentence: The Video
Comma Splice: The Video
Lack of Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement: The Video
Poorly Integrated Quotation: The Video
Unnecessary or Missing Hyphen: The Video
Sentence Fragment: The Video
Writing Processes
Expectations for College Writing
Quick Help: Common features of U.S. academic texts
Moving between social and academic writing
Preparing to meet expectations for U.S. academic writing
Positioning yourself as an academic writer
Listening and reading actively for class
Using media effectively
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Lessons from informal writing
Video Prompt: Something to learn from each other
Talking the Talk: Conventions
Rhetorical Situations
Quick Help: Analyzing a college writing assignment
Making good choices for your rhetorical situation
Understanding academic assignments
Thinking about your topic and message
Considering your purpose and stance as a communicator
Analyzing audiences
Thinking about genres and media
Considering language and style
Storyboards for rhetorical situations
Considering Disabilities: Your whole audience
For Multilingual Writers: Bringing in other languages
Talking the Talk: Assignments
Talking the Talk: Genre names
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Developing a sense of audience
Video Prompt: Pay attention to what you're interested in
Exploring a topic
Narrowing a topic
Drafting a working thesis
Gathering information
Storyboards on working thesis
Considering Disabilities: Freespeaking
For Multilingual Writers: Using your best language to explore ideas
For Multilingual Writers: Stating a thesis explicitly
Video prompts
Video Prompt: Brain mapping
Video Prompt: Getting ideas from social media
Video Prompt: This will take longer than I thought
Video Prompt: Writing processes
Planning and Drafting
Quick Help: Guidelines for keeping track of your drafts
Quick Help: Organizing visuals and media in academic writing
Organizing information
Student Writing
Early draft (Emily Lesk)
Considering Disabilities: A talking draft
For Multilingual Writers: Organizing information
Video prompts
Video Prompt: Filling in the gaps
Video Prompt: It's hard to delete things
Video Prompt: You just have to start
Developing Paragraphs
Quick Help: Editing the paragraphs in your writing
Quick Help: Transitions
Quick Help: Determining paragraph length
Creating strong paragraphs
Writing unified paragraphs
Developing paragraphs with supporting details
Following patterns of development
Making paragraphs coherent
Linking paragraphs together
Writing special-purpose paragraphs
For Multilingual Writers: Being explicit
Talking the Talk: Paragraph length
Reviewing and Revising
Quick Help: Guidelines for peer review and self-review
Rising to the challenge of peer review
Working with peer reviewers in an online course
Giving feedback based on the stage of the draft
Responding to another writer’s work
Getting the most from peer reviewers’ comments
Learning from instructor comments
Revising with peer and instructor comments
Revising thesis and support
Rethinking organization
Revising title, introduction, and conclusion
Checking design and media elements
Storyboard on being a peer reviewer
Storyboard on getting help from peer reviewers
Storyboards on revising and editing
Video prompts
Video Prompt: Lessons from being a peer reviewer
Video Prompt: Lessons from peer review
Video Prompt: Revision happens
Editing and Proofreading
Quick Help: Word choice
Editing sentences, words, and tone
Creating an editing checklist
Proofreading the final draft
Student Writing
Final draft (Emily Lesk)
Reflecting to Learn
Understanding reflection
Setting the stage for reflection
Reflecting while you are writing
Reflecting after you’ve written
Student Writing
Reflective blog post (Thanh Nguyen)
Considering Disabilities: Technology for revising
For Multilingual Writers: Understanding peer reviews
For Multilingual Writers: Asking an experienced writer to review your draft
For Multilingual Writers: Reviewing a draft
Talking the Talk: Revision
Working with Others
Quick Help: Guidelines for group projects
Collaborating in college
Working on group projects
Making a group presentation
Considering Disabilities: Accommodating differences
For Multilingual Writers: Constructive criticism
Talking the Talk: Collaborating or cheating?
Tutorial: Cross-Platform Word Processing with CloudOn, Quip, and More
Video prompts
Video Prompt: Working with other people
Critical Thinking and Argument
Reading Critically
Quick Help: Guidelines for reading critically
Reading print and digital texts
Previewing a text
Reading and annotating a text
Summarizing a text
Analyzing and reflecting on a text
Analyzing visual texts
Storyboards on reading critically
Student Writing
Analysis of an assigned reading (Fernando Sanchez)
Analysis of a visual text
Annotations on an assigned reading (Fernando Sanchez and Sarah Lum)
Critical analysis of graphic literature (Shuqiao Song)
Preview notes for an assigned reading (Fernando Sanchez and Sarah Lum)
Summary of an assigned reading (Sarah Lum)
Talking the Talk: Critical thinking
Talking the Talk: Visual texts
Tutorial: Active reading strategies
Analyzing Arguments
Quick Help: Guidelines for analyzing an argument
Thinking critically about argument
Considering cultural contexts
Analyzing emotional appeals in an argument
Analyzing ethical appeals in an argument
Analyzing logical appeals in an argument
Analyzing appeals in a visual argument
Identifying Toulmin’s elements of an argument
Identifying common fallacies
Student Writing
Rhetorical analysis (Milena Ateyea)
For Multilingual Writers: Recognizing appeals in various settings
Tutorial: Reading visuals for audience
Tutorial: Reading visuals for purpose
Constructing Arguments
Quick Help: Checklist for constructing an argument
Seeing your argument as part of a conversation
Arguing for a purpose
Determining whether a statement can be argued
Formulating a working thesis for an argument
Making ethical appeals
Making logical appeals
Making emotional appeals
Organizing an argument
Delivering an argument
Student Writing
Argument project (Benjy Mercer-Golden)
Considering Disabilities: Description
For Multilingual Writers: Bringing in other voices
For Multilingual Writers: Counting your own experience
Talking the Talk: Arguments
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Facing a challenging argument
Preparing for a Research Project
Quick Help: Analyzing an assignment for a research project
Engaging with the research process
Choosing a topic for a research project
Narrowing a topic for a research project
Moving from research question to hypothesis
Determining what you know
Making a preliminary research plan
Keeping a research log
Moving from hypothesis to working thesis
Considering Disabilities: Dictation
Talking the Talk: Reaching an audience
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Researching something exciting
Conducting Research
Quick Help: Library research
Quick Help: Online research
Quick Help: Interviews
Quick Help: Observations
Quick Help: Survey questionnaires
Differentiating kinds of sources
Using the library to get started
Finding library resources
Conducting Internet research
Conducting field research
Considering Disabilities: Website accessibility
Talking the Talk: Wikis as sources
Tutorial: Tracking Sources with Evernote and Zotero
Evaluating Sources
Using sources for a purpose
Moving beyond previewing a source
Keeping a working bibliography
Evaluating usefulness and credibility
Reading and interpreting research sources
Student Writing
Annotated bibliography (Tony Chan)
Reflective annotated bibliography (Nandita Sriram)
Talking the Talk: Research with an open mind
Source Map: Evaluating articles
Source Map: Evaluating online sources
Planning Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries
Quick Help: Deciding to quote, paraphrase, or summarize
Taking notes and annotating sources
Deciding to use quotations
Deciding to paraphrase
Deciding to summarize
Integrating Sources
Quick Help: Certainty in argument
Quick Help: Restatement to build ethos
Quick Help: Signal verbs
Integrating quotations
Integrating paraphrases and summaries
Working with visuals and media
Synthesizing sources
Checking for excessive use of source material
Storyboards on synthesis
Student Writing
Synthesis project (Caroline Warner)
For Multilingual Writers: Identifying sources
Talking the Talk: Saying something new
Acknowledging Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism
Quick Help: Careful use of sources
Quick Help: Sources to acknowledge
Understanding reasons to acknowledge sources
Knowing which sources to acknowledge
Recognizing patchwriting
Adapting structures and phrases from a genre without plagiarizing
Maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism
Considering your intellectual property
Collaborating and sharing
For Multilingual Writers: Plagiarism as a cultural concept
Tutorial: Do I need to cite that?
Writing a Research Project
Quick Help: Guidelines for revising a research project
Analyzing the thesis of your research project
Organizing information in a research project
Drafting a research project
Reviewing and getting responses to a draft of a research project
Revising and finalizing your research project
For Multilingual Writers: Asking experienced writers to review a thesis
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: When to stop researching
Designing and Performing Writing
Design for Print and Digital Writing
Quick Help: Using visuals and media effectively
Choosing a type of text
Planning a visual structure
Formatting print and digital texts
Considering visuals and media
Considering Disabilities: Color for contrast
For Multilingual Writers: Reading patterns
Quick Help: Guidelines for presentations
Analyzing your assignment, purpose, and audience for presentations
Writing to be remembered
Creating a presentation
Practicing the presentation
Delivering the presentation
Learning from a student’s presentation planning
Giving a poster presentation
Presenting online
Presenting a PechaKucha
Student Writing
Presentation (Shuqiao Song)
Considering Disabilities: Accessible presentations
Tutorial: Creating Presentations with PowerPoint and Prezi
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: If I were in the audience
Video Prompt: Looking for the essential points (turning essay into media presentation)
Video Prompt: Presentation is performance
Video Prompt: You want them to hear you
Communicating in Other Media
Quick Help: Rhetorical contexts for multimodal writing
Planning web-based texts
Creating web-based texts
Creating nondigital multimodal projects
Considering Disabilities: Accessible web texts
Tutorial: Audio Recording and Editing with Audacity
Tutorial: Photo Editing Basics with GIMP
Academic, Professional, and Public Writing
Academic Work in Any Discipline
Writing in any discipline
Reading in any discipline
Understanding academic assignments in any discipline
Learning specialized vocabulary
Following disciplinary style
Using appropriate evidence
Using conventional patterns and formats
Making ethical decisions
Collaborating and communicating
Talking the Talk: The first person
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Improving with practice
Writing for the Humanities
Quick Help: Guidelines for reading texts in the humanities
Reading texts in the humanities
Writing texts in the humanities
Student Writing
Close reading of poetry (Bonnie Sillay)
Film analysis (Amrit Rao)
Writing for the Social Sciences
Reading texts in the social sciences
Writing texts in the social sciences
Student Writing
Literature review, psychology (Tawnya Redding)
Writing for the Natural and Applied Sciences
Reading texts in the natural and applied sciences
Writing texts in the natural and applied sciences
Student Writing
Lab report, chemistry (Allyson Goldberg)
Research proposal, biology (Tara Gupta)
Writing for Business
Quick Help: Guidelines for effective business correspondence
Quick Help: Guidelines for writing effective memos and business email
5Reading texts for business
Writing texts for business
Student Writing
Business case analysis (Michelle Abbott)
Business memo (Michelle Abbott and Carina Abernathy)
Letter of inquiry (Nastassia Lopez)
Résumés (Megan Lange)
Tutorial: Building Your Professional Brand with LinkedIn, Twitter, and More
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Writing for the real world
Essay Examinations
Quick Help: Common strategy terms
Preparing for an essay examination
Responding to an essay examination
Writing take-home exams
For Multilingual Writers: Writing notes in your own language
Planning a portfolio
Reflecting on a portfolio
Assembling a portfolio
Student Writing
Reflective portfolio cover letter (James Kung)
Writing to Make Something Happen in the World
Quick Help: Guidelines for public writing
Deciding to make something happen
Connecting with your audience
Sample Writing
Fundraising web page (Justin Dart)
Pitch package (Deborah Jane and Jamie Burke)
Newsletter (Joelle Hann)
Online report (Deb Habib and Kaitlin Doherty)
Web comic (Zack Karas)
Writing across Cultures
Quick Help: Communicating across cultures
Thinking about what seems “normal”
Clarifying meaning
Meeting audience expectations
Video Prompts (DELETE)
Video Prompt: Writing for the real world (DELETE)
Language That Builds Common Ground
Quick Help: Editing to build common ground
Avoiding stereotypes and generalizations
Avoiding assumptions about gender
Avoiding assumptions about race and ethnicity
Considering other kinds of difference
Considering Disabilities: Knowing your readers
Language Variety
Quick Help: Using varieties of language effectively
Using varieties of language in academic writing
Using standard varieties of English
Using varieties of English to evoke a place or community
Using varieties of English to build credibility with a community
Using other languages
Considering Disabilities: American Sign Language
For Multilingual Writers: Choosing appropriate words
For Multilingual Writers: Global varieties of English
Video Prompts
Video Prompt: Correctness in context
Word Choice
Quick Help: Editing for appropriate and precise language
Choosing appropriate words for the context
Using words with appropriate connotations
Balancing general and specific language
Using figurative language
For Multilingual Writers: Avoiding fancy language
For Multilingual Writers: Mastering idioms
Talking the Talk: Texting abbreviations
Dictionaries and Vocabulary Building
Quick Help: Dictionary information
Quick Help: Building your vocabulary
Finding information in dictionaries
Using different kinds of dictionaries
Building vocabulary with word roots, prefixes, and suffixes
Learning vocabulary in context
For Multilingual Writers: Checking usage with search engines
For Multilingual Writers: Consulting a learner's dictionary
For Multilingual Writers: Using the dictionary to learn idioms
Quick Help: Common errors with spell checkers
Quick Help: The most troublesome homonyms
Using spell checkers
Learning homonyms
Considering spelling and pronunciation
Following spelling rules
Considering Disabilities: Spelling
For Multilingual Writers: American spellings
Talking the Talk: Spell checkers and wrong-word errors
MLA Style
Quick Help: Citing articles in databases (MLA)
Quick Help: Citing sources that don't match any model exactly (MLA)
Quick Help: Citing visuals that appear in your text (MLA)
Quick Help: Citing works from websites (MLA)
Understanding the basics of MLA style
Formatting MLA manuscripts
Creating MLA in-text citations
Directory to MLA-style in-text citations
Preparing an MLA list of works cited
Directory to MLA-style works-cited models
Student Writing
MLA-style research project (David Craig)
Source Map: Articles from databases in MLA style
Source Map: Articles in print periodicals in MLA style
Source Map: Books in MLA style
Source Map: Works from websites in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite an article in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite a book in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite a database in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite a website in MLA style
APA Style
Quick Help: Citing digital sources (APA)
Quick Help: Citing sources that don't match any model exactly (APA)
Understanding the basics of APA style
Formatting APA manuscripts
Creating APA in-text citations
Directory to APA-style in-text citation models
Preparing the APA list of references
Directory to APA-style references
Student Writing
APA-style research project (Martha Bell)
Source Map: Articles from databases in APA style
Source Map: Articles in print periodicals in APA style
Source Map: Books in APA style
Source Map: Reports and long works from websites in APA style
Tutorial: How to cite a database in APA style
Tutorial: How to cite a website in APA style
Chicago Style
Quick Help: Citing sources that don't match any model exactly (Chicago)
Understanding the basics of Chicago style
Formatting Chicago manuscripts
Preparing Chicago notes and bibliographic entries
Directory to Chicago-style notes and bibliographic entries
Student Writing
Chicago-style research project (Amanda Rinder)
Source Map: Articles from databases in Chicago style
Source Map: Books in Chicago style
Source Map: Works from websites in Chicago style
CSE Style
Formatting CSE manuscripts
Creating CSE in-text citations
Preparing a CSE list of references
Directory to CSE-style references
Student Writing
CSE-style literature review in biology (Joanna Hays)
Source Map: Books in CSE style
Source Map: Works from databases in CSE style
Parts of Speech
Sentence Map: Parts of Speech
Parts of Sentences
Quick Help: Basic sentence patterns
Quick Help: Choosing between infinitives and gerunds
The basic grammar of sentences
Types of sentences
Talking the Talk: Understanding grammatical terms
Nouns and Noun Phrases
Using count and noncount nouns
Using determiners
Using articles
Quick Help: Editing for -ed or -d endings
Quick Help: Editing for -s and -es endings
Quick Help: Editing verb tenses
Using appropriate verb forms
Forming verb phrases
Understanding regular and irregular verbs
Using lay and lie, sit and set, raise and rise
Indicating verb tenses
Sequencing verb tenses
Using active and passive voice
Using mood and forming conditional sentences
Subject-Verb Agreement
Quick Help: Editing for subject-verb agreement
Understanding subject-verb agreement
Making separated subjects and verbs agree
Making verbs agree with compound subjects
Making verbs agree with collective nouns
Making verbs agree with indefinite pronouns
Making verbs agree with who, which, and that
Making linking verbs agree with subjects
Making verbs agree with subjects ending in -s
Making verbs agree with following subjects
Making verbs agree with titles and with words used as words
Quick Help: Editing for case
Quick Help: Editing for clear pronoun reference
Quick Help: Editing for pronoun-antecedent agreement
Quick Help: Editing out the generic use of he, his, or him
Understanding pronoun case
Using who, whoever, whom, and whomever
Considering case in compound structures
Considering case in elliptical constructions
Using we or us before a noun
Making pronouns agree with antecedents
Avoiding sexist pronouns
Revising ambiguous pronoun references
Revising vague use of it, this, that, and which
Using who, which, or that to refer to people
Revising indefinite use of you, it, and they
Revising implied antecedents
Talking the Talk: Correctness or stuffiness?
Adjectives and Adverbs
Quick Help: Editing adjectives and adverbs
Quick Help: Understanding the difference between adjectives and adverbs
Using adjectives after linking verbs
Using adverbs
Comparatives and superlatives
Using nouns as modifiers
Using adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Putting adjectives in order
For Multilingual Writers: Adjectives with plural nouns
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Quick Help: Strategies for learning prepositions idiomatically
Using prepositions idiomatically
Using two-word verbs idiomatically
Confusing Shifts
Revising unnecessary shifts in tense, mood, voice, person, and number
Revising shifts between direct and indirect discourse
Revising shifts in tone and diction
Quick Help: Editing for parallelism
Making items in a series parallel
Using parallel structures to pair ideas
Including all necessary words
Using parallel structures for emphasis and effect
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Quick Help: Editing for comma splices and fused sentences
Identifying comma splices and fused sentences
Revising comma splices and fused sentences
For Multilingual Writers: Sentence length
Identifying fragments
Revising phrase fragments
Revising compound-predicate fragments
Revising dependent-clause fragments
Modifier Placement
Quick Help: Editing for misplaced or dangling modifiers
Revising misplaced modifiers
Revising disruptive modifiers
Revising dangling modifiers
Consistent and Complete Structures
Quick Help: Editing for consistency and completeness
Revising faulty sentence structure
Matching subjects and predicates
Completing elliptical constructions
Checking for missing words
Making complete comparisons
For Multilingual Writers: Deciding which articles to use
Concise Writing
Quick Help: Editing for conciseness
Eliminating unnecessary words
Simplifying sentence structure
Using active and passive voice appropriately
Coordination and Subordination
Quick Help: Editing for coordination and subordination
Relating equal ideas
Distinguishing main ideas
Sentence Variety
Quick Help: Editing for sentence variety
Varying sentence length
Varying sentence openings
Varying sentence types
Memorable Prose
Quick Help: Editing for memorable prose
Writing emphatic sentences
Choosing strong verbs
Using special effects
Quick Help: Editing for commas
Using commas after introductory elements
Using commas in compound sentences
Using commas with nonrestrictive elements
Using commas to separate items in a series
Using commas with parenthetical and transitional expressions
Using commas with contrasting elements, interjections, direct address, and tag questions
Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers
Commas with quotations
Using commas for clarity
Avoiding unnecessary commas
Quick Help: Editing for semicolons
Using semicolons with independent clauses
Using semicolons to separate items in a series
Using semicolons with quotation marks
Avoiding misused or overused semicolons
End Punctuation
Using periods
Using question marks
Using exclamation points
Using end punctuation in informal writing
Quick Help: Editing for apostrophes
Using apostrophes to signal possessive case
Using apostrophes to signal contractions
Using guidelines for apostrophes with plurals
Quotation Marks
Quick Help: Editing for quotation marks
Using quotation marks to signal direct quotations
Using quotation marks to signal titles and definitions
Using quotation marks to signal irony and invented words
Avoiding misused quotation marks
Using quotation marks with other punctuation
For Multilingual Writers: Quotation marks
For Multilingual Writers: Quoting in American English
Other Punctuation Marks
Using parentheses
Using brackets
Using dashes
Using colons
Using slashes
Using ellipses
Capital Letters
Quick Help: Editing for capitalization
Capitalizing the first word of a sentence or line of poetry
Capitalizing proper nouns and proper adjectives
Capitalizing titles of works
Avoiding unnecessary capitalization
For Multilingual Writers: English capitalization
Abbreviations and Numbers
Quick Help: Editing abbreviations and numbers
Abbreviating titles and academic degrees
Abbreviating years and hours
Using acronyms and initial abbreviations
Abbreviating company names
Using Latin abbreviations
Abbreviating reference information, geographic terms, and months
Using symbols and units of measurement
Using numbers within sentences
Using numbers to begin sentences
Following conventions for figures
For Multilingual Writers: The term hundred
Talking the Talk: Abbreviations and numbers in disciplines
Quick Help: Editing for italics
Using italics for titles
Using italics for words, letters, and numbers referred to as terms
Using italics for non-English words and phrases
Using italics for names of vehicles
Using italics for emphasis
Quick Help: Editing for hyphens
Using hyphens with compound words
Using hyphens with prefixes and suffixes
Avoiding unnecessary hyphens
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Usage
Prebuilt Lessons
Analyzing the Use of Sources in a Student Writer’s Argument
The purpose of a source
The purpose of a source in a student’s researched argument
Guidelines for considering credibility of sources
The credibility of a source in a student’s researched argument
Low-Stakes Practice Peer Review
Best practices for peer review
Guidelines for peer review and self-review
Peer review with Emily Lesk’s draft
Responses to peer reviewers’ comments
Response to peer comments on Emily Lesk’s draft
Reflecting Formally and Informally on Your Work
Preparation for reflection
Questions to prompt reflection
Formal reflection in a student’s portfolio cover letter
Informal reflection in Thanh Nguyen’s blog post
Formal and informal reflection on your own work
Working in Genres and Media for Academic Assignments
Genres for academic work
Questions to ask about genre features
Multimodal academic work
Assignments that move from one genre or medium to another
Genre choices in a student’s print essay and presentation
Reflection on genre choices
Exercise: Top twenty most common errors (autoscored)
Exercise: Reflecting on your informal writing
Exercise: Prewriting: Analyzing assignments
Exercise: Prewriting: Deciding to write
Exercise: Prewriting: Audience
Exercise: Prewriting: Genre conventions
Exercise: Prewriting: Genre, medium, tone, style
Exercise: Prewriting: Exploring
Exercise: Prewriting: Evaluating a thesis
Exercise: Drafting: Writing a thesis
Exercise: Drafting: Organization
Exercise: Drafting: Creating a plan
Exercise: Revising: Planning your revision
Exercise: Reviewing: Preparing for peer review
Exercise: Reviewing: Analyzing your draft
Exercise: Reviewing: Evaluating thesis and support
Exercise: Reviewing: Evaluating conclusions
Exercise: Reviewing: Evaluating paragraphs
Exercise: Reviewing: Revising your own paragraph
Exercise: Editing: Creating an editing checklist
Exercise: Revising: Planning a revised draft
Exercise: Paragraphs: Topic sentences 1
Exercise: Paragraphs: Exploring a topic
Exercise: Paragraphs: Topic sentences 2
Exercise: Paragraphs: Comparison and contrast
Exercise: Paragraphs: Developing ideas
Exercise: Paragraphs: Evaluating development
Exercise: Paragraphs: Organization
Exercise: Paragraphs: Linking
Exercise: Reading: Previewing a text
Exercise: Reading: Annotating a text
Exercise: Reading: Analyzing a text
Exercise: Argument: Analyzing Derek Bok essay
Exercise: Argument: Analyzing argument
Exercise: Argument: Arguable statements
Exercise: Argument: Emotional appeals for your own argument
Exercise: Argument: Drafting
Exercise: Argument: Working thesis
Exercise: Argument: Topic to working thesis
Exercise: Argument: Identifying claims
Exercise: Argument: Ethical appeals in a visual
Exercise: Argument: Credibility
Exercise: Argument: Deductive arguments
Exercise: Argument: Logical appeals
Exercise: Argument: Creating emotional appeals
Exercise: Research: Possible topics
Exercise: Research: What you know about a topic
Exercise: Research: Evaluating sources
Exercise: Research: Annotating a source
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources
Exercise: Research: Identifying plagiarism
Exercise: Research: Testing your thesis
Exercise: Research: Recognizing common knowledge 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Recognizing common knowledge 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Recognizing common knowledge 3 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Researching a topic (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Summarizing sources (MLA) (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources (MLA) 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources (MLA) 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (MLA) 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (MLA) 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Summarizing sources (APA) (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources (APA) 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources (APA) 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (APA) 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (APA) 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Writing in Disciplines: Reading journal articles
Exercise: Essay exams
Exercise: Portfolio planning
Exercise: Language: Sexist language
Exercise: Language: Effects of standard English
Exercise: Language: Informal and formal word choice
Exercise: Language: Inconsistent formality
Exercise: Language: Appropriate denotation
Exercise: Language: Synonyms
Exercise: Language: Concrete words
Exercise: Language: Spelling and pronunciation
Exercise: Language: Etymology
Exercise: Language: Vocabulary in context
Exercise: Language: Spell checkers
Exercise: Language: Homonyms 2
Exercise: Language: Common misspellings 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Common misspellings 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Common misspellings 3 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Homonyms 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Spelling rules 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Spelling rules 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Spelling rules 3 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Spelling rules 4 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Spelling plurals 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Spelling plurals 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Language: Appropriate language (autoscored)
Exercise: Documentation: APA-style references (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources (Chicago) (autoscored)
Exercise: Documentation: Chicago-style notes (autoscored)
Exercise: Documentation: Chicago-style bibliographic entries (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (Chicago) 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (Chicago) 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Integrating sources (CSE) (autoscored)
Exercise: Research: Avoiding plagiarism (CSE) (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying verbs
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying nouns and articles
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying pronouns and antecedents
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying adjectives and adverbs
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying prepositions
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying complete and simple subjects
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying predicates 2
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying phrases 2
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying clauses 2
Exercise: Style: Expanding sentences
Exercise: Grammar: Classifying sentence types 2
Exercise: Grammar: Article and noun-phrase errors
Exercise: Grammar: Articles 2
Exercise: Grammar: Past forms of verbs
Exercise: Grammar: Lay, lie, raise, rise, set, sit
Exercise: Grammar: Appropriate verb forms
Exercise: Grammar: Verb tense sequence
Exercise: Grammar: Active and passive voice
Exercise: Grammar: Subjunctive verb forms
Exercise: Grammar: Subject-verb agreement 4
Exercise: Grammar: Subject-verb agreement 5
Exercise: Grammar: Who, whoever, whom, whomever
Exercise: Grammar: Pronoun case 2
Exercise: Grammar: Pronoun-antecedent agreement 2
Exercise: Grammar: Clear pronoun reference 2
Exercise: Grammar: Clear pronoun reference 3
Exercise: Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs 3
Exercise: Grammar: Revising modifiers
Exercise: Grammar: Using prepositions 2
Exercise: Grammar: Two-word verbs 2
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying subjects and predicates (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying verbs, nouns, and pronouns (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying conjunctions and prepositions (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying subjects (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying predicates 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying phrases 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Identifying clauses 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Classifying sentence types 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Pronoun case 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Regular and irregular verbs (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Subject-verb agreement 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Subject-verb agreement 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Subject-verb agreement 3 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Pronoun-antecedent agreement 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Clear pronoun reference 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Nouns and noun phrases (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Articles 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Verbs and verb phrases (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Two-word verbs 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Sentence structure (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Using prepositions 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Unnecessary shifts 3
Exercise: Grammar: Parallelism 2
Exercise: Grammar: Parallelism 3
Exercise: Grammar: Comma splices and fused sentences 2
Exercise: Grammar: Comma splices and fused sentences 3
Exercise: Grammar: Sentence fragments 2
Exercise: Grammar: Sentence fragments 3
Exercise: Grammar: Misplaced modifiers 3
Exercise: Grammar: Limiting and squinting modifiers
Exercise: Grammar: Disruptive modifiers 2
Exercise: Grammar: Dangling modifiers 2
Exercise: Grammar: Inconsistent structures 2
Exercise: Grammar: Incomplete structures 2
Exercise: Grammar: Unnecessary shifts 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Comma splices and fused sentences 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Sentence fragments 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Misplaced modifiers 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Misplaced modifiers 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Disruptive modifiers 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Dangling modifiers 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Inconsistent structures 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Incomplete structures 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Parallelism 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Grammar: Unnecessary shifts 2 (autoscored)
Exercise: Style: Active voice
Exercise: Style: Conciseness 2
Exercise: Style: Coordination 2
Exercise: Style: Subordination 2
Exercise: Style: Sentence length
Exercise: Style: Periodic and cumulative sentences
Exercise: Style: Emphasizing main ideas 2
Exercise: Style: Antithesis
Exercise: Style: Word order
Exercise: Style: Emphasizing main ideas 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Style: Conciseness 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Style: Subordination 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Style: Coordination 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with introductory elements 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with compound sentences 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with restrictive and nonrestrictive elements 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas in series 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas, various uses 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with titles, dates, addresses 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with quotations 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Semicolons 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Semicolons 3
Exercise: Punctuation: End punctuation 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Apostrophes 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Apostrophes 3
Exercise: Punctuation: Quotation marks 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Parentheses and brackets 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Dashes 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Colons 2
Exercise: Punctuation: Effective punctuation
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with introductory elements 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with compound sentences 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with restrictive and nonrestrictive elements 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas in series 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas, various uses 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with titles, dates, addresses 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Commas with quotations 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Unnecessary commas (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Semicolons 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Periods (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Question marks (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Exclamation points (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Apostrophes 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Quotation marks 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Parentheses and brackets 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Dashes 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Colons 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: End punctuation 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Punctuation: Quotation marks with other punctuation (autoscored)
Exercise: Mechanics: Capitalization 2
Exercise: Mechanics: Capitalization 3
Exercise: Mechanics: Abbreviations 2
Exercise: Mechanics: Numbers 2
Exercise: Mechanics: Italics 2
Exercise: Mechanics: Hyphens 3
Exercise: Mechanics: Capitalization 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Mechanics: Abbreviations 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Mechanics: Numbers 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Mechanics: Italics 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Mechanics: Hyphens 1 (autoscored)
Exercise: Mechanics: Hyphens 2 (autoscored)
Thinking critically about your expectations for college writing
Thinking critically about rhetorical situations
Thinking critically about your writing process
Thinking critically about your reviewing and revising process
Thinking critically about paragraphs
Thinking critically about your collaborative work
Thinking critically about reading
Thinking critically about analyzing arguments
Thinking critically about constructing arguments
Thinking critically about your own research
Thinking critically about conducting research
Thinking critically about your evaluation of sources
Thinking critically about your integration of sources
Thinking critically about your own acknowledgment of sources
Thinking critically about research projects
Thinking critically about design for writing
Thinking critically about oral and multimedia presentations
Thinking critically about multimodal texts
Thinking critically about reading and writing in a discipline
Thinking critically about writing in the humanities
Thinking critically about writing in the social sciences
Thinking critically about writing for the sciences
Thinking critically about business writing
Thinking critically about essay examinations
Thinking critically about portfolios
Thinking critically about writing that makes something happen in the world
Thinking critically about assumptions in your writing
Thinking critically about assumptions and common ground
Thinking critically about language variety
Thinking critically about word choice
Thinking critically about dictionaries, vocabulary, and spelling
Thinking critically about parts of speech
Thinking critically about sentences
Thinking critically about verbs
Thinking critically about subject-verb agreement
Thinking critically about pronouns
Thinking critically about adjectives and adverbs
Thinking critically about shifts
Thinking critically about parallelism
Thinking critically about comma splices and fused sentences
Thinking critically about fragments
Thinking critically about modifiers
Thinking critically about consistency and completeness
Thinking critically about conciseness
Thinking critically about coordination and subordination
Thinking critically about sentence variety
Thinking critically about prose style
Thinking critically about commas
Thinking critically about semicolons
Thinking critically about end punctuation
Thinking critically about apostrophes
Thinking critically about quotation marks
Thinking critically about punctuation
Thinking critically about capitalization
Thinking critically about abbreviations and numbers
Thinking critically about italics
Thinking critically about hyphenation