Source Map: Articles in print periodicals in MLA style

Source Map: Articles in Print Periodicals

Articles in Print Periodicals

image Author. List the last name first. End with a period. For variations, see models 2–6.

image Article title. Put the title and any subtitle in quotation marks; capitalize all major words. Place a period inside the closing quotation mark.

image Periodical title. Italicize the title; capitalize all major words. Omit any initial A, An, or The. End with a comma.

image Volume and issue / Date of publication. Give the volume number, abbreviated vol., and the issue number, abbreviated no., if the periodical provides them. List the day (if given), month (abbreviated except for May, June, and July), and year (or season and year) of publication. Put commas after the volume, issue, and date.

For magazines, list the day (if given), month, and year.

image Page numbers. List inclusive page numbers. If the article skips pages, put the first page number and a plus sign. End with a period.

A citation for the article pictured below would look like this:

Quart, Alissa. “Lost Media, Found Media: Snapshots from the Future of Writing.” Columbia Journalism Review, May/June 2008, pp. 30-34.

© Courtesy of Columbia Journalism Review and Alissa Quart