The credibility of a source in a student’s researched argument

Refer again to the source you selected from Benjy Mercer-Golden’s researched argument to evaluate the credibility of his sources. Answer the questions following the works cited page.

Mercer-Golden 5

Works Cited

“About Us.” Generation, 2012,

Blank, Steve. “Why Facebook Is Killing Silicon Valley.”, 21 May 2012,

Church, Jeff. “The Wave of Social Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar, NVIDIA Auditorium, Stanford, 11 Apr. 2012. Lecture.

Eccles, Robert G., et al. “The Impact of a Corporate Culture of Sustainability on Organizational Process and Performance.” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School, 14 Nov. 2011,

Gore, Al, and David Blood. “Sustainable Capitalism.” Generation, 15 Feb. 2012,

Hurley, James. “Belu Boss Shows Bottle for a Turnaround.” The Daily Telegraph,

Knight, Eric R. W. “The Economic Geography of Clean Tech Venture Capital.” Oxford University Working Paper Series in Employment, Work, and Finance, 13 Apr. 2010. Social Science Research Network, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1588806.

Packer, George. “No Death, No Taxes: The Libertarian Futurism of a Silicon Valley Billionaire.” The New Yorker, 28 Nov. 2011,

Reflect on the credibility of the student’s source

To evaluate the credibility of the source you chose from Benjy Mercer-Golden’s argument, answer the following questions. When you have finished each question, click Submit to record your response.

What can you tell about the expertise of the source’s creator from examining the source in context?

What audience did the creator of this source originally intend to reach? How can you tell?

Do you find the evidence in this source convincing? Why or why not?

Is the evidence that this source presents necessary to Benjy Mercer-Golden’s argument? Why or why not?

Is the evidence that this source presents necessary to Benjy Mercer-Golden’s argument? Why or why not?