You may be asked to review your peers’ work at any stage of the writing. Different stages in the writing process call for different strategies and areas of focus on the part of the peer reviewer.
Writers of early-
Approach commenting on and marking up an early draft with three types of questions in mind:
Fit. How does this draft fit the assignment? In what areas might the writer struggle to meet the criteria? How does this draft fit the audience? What else does the writer need to remember about the audience’s expectations and needs?
Potential. What ideas in this draft are worth developing more? What other ideas or details could inform the argument? Are there other viewpoints on this topic that the writer should explore?
Order. Considering only the parts that are worth keeping, what sequence do you recommend? What new sections do you think need to be added?
Writers of intermediate-
Approach commenting on and marking up an intermediate draft with these types of questions in mind:
Topic sentences and transitions. Topic sentences introduce the idea of a paragraph, and transitions move the writing smoothly from one paragraph or section or idea to the next. How well does the draft prepare readers for the next set of ideas by explaining how they relate to the overall claim? Look for ideas or details that don’t seem to fit into the overall structure of the draft. Is the idea or detail out of place because it is not well integrated into this paragraph? If so, recommend a revision or a new transition. Is it out of place because it doesn’t support the overall claim? If so, recommend deletion.
Supporting details. Well-developed paragraphs and arguments depend on supporting details. Does the writer include an appropriate number and variety of details? Could the paragraph be improved by adding another example, a definition, a comparison or contrast, a cause-
Writers of late-