A summary is a significantly shortened version of a passage or even of a whole chapter or work that captures main ideas in your own words. Unlike a paraphrase, a summary uses just the main points of a source. Your goal is to keep the summary as brief as possible without distorting the author’s meaning.
To summarize a short passage, read it carefully and, without looking at the text, write a one-
To summarize a long passage or an entire chapter, skim the headings and topic sentences, making notes; then write your summary in a paragraph or two. For a whole book, you may want to refer to the preface and introduction as well as chapter titles, headings, and topic sentences—
Use your own words. If you include any language from the original, enclose it in quotation marks. Identify your work as a summary.
Here is student David Craig’s note recording a summary of the David Crystal passage. The note states the author’s main points selectively, without using his words.
Subject heading
Author, title, page reference
Summary of source