In oral presentations, as with many other things in life, practice makes perfect. Being as prepared as possible for your presentation will make you more self-
Prepare a draft of your presentation and slides or other media far enough in advance to allow for workshopping the slides with friends or classmates—just as you would workshop an essay—
If you are using slides or other visuals, make sure you keep them on track with your script. Some student speakers like to embed all visuals or slides into their scripts so that they can coordinate easily, using a clicker to advance the slides. Others prefer to use the slides to guide them through the presentation, though to do so they must know their material so well that they don’t leave awkward gaps as they move from slide to slide.
Make sure you can be heard clearly. If you are soft-
Once you are comfortable giving the presentation, make sure you will stay within the allotted time. A good rule of thumb is to allow roughly two and a half minutes per double-