Analyze: Divide an event, idea, or theory into its component elements, and examine each one in turn.
Analyze Milton Friedman’s theory of permanent income.
Compare and/or contrast: Demonstrate similarities or dissimilarities between two or more events or topics.
Compare the portrayal of women in Beloved with that in Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Define: Identify and state the essential traits or characteristics of something, differentiating it clearly from other things.
Define osmosis.
Describe: Tell about an event, person, or process in detail, creating a clear and vivid image of it.
Describe the dress of a medieval knight.
Evaluate: Assess the value or significance of the topic.
Evaluate the contributions of jazz musicians to American music.
Explain: Make a topic as clear and understandable as possible by offering reasons, examples, and so on.
Explain the functioning of the circulatory system.
Summarize: State the major points concisely and comprehensively.
Summarize the major arguments against using animals in laboratory research.