Online report (Deb Habib and Kaitlin Doherty)

This excerpt from a report created by Deb Habib and Kaitlin Doherty of the nonprofit group Seeds of Solidarity provides information about a successful experimental recycling and composting program at a Massachusetts camp. (Only the first part of the twenty-six-page PDF is shown.) Other sections include “Project Description,” “Voices of Campers,” “Successes and Challenges,” “Summary of Key Considerations,” and an appendix with additional documents. The report appears on the organization’s website, which notes that Seeds of Solidarity “provid[es] people of all ages with the inspiration and practical tools to use renewable energy and grow food in their communities.” While the report offers information about an experiment that has already taken place, the document also serves to encourage and inform others who might want to create a similar program.

Seeds of Solidarity Education Center.