Research conducted for this textbook shows that spelling errors have changed dramatically in the past twenty-
To make spell checkers work best for you, you need to learn to adapt them to your own needs.
Always proofread carefully, even after you have used the spell checker. The more important the message or document, the more careful you should be about its accuracy and clarity.
Use a dictionary to look up any word the spell checker highlights that you are not absolutely sure of.
If your spell checker’s dictionary allows you to add new words, enter any proper names, non-
If you know that you mix up certain homonyms, such as there and their, check for them after running your spell checker.
Remember that spell checkers are not usually sensitive to capitalization. If you write “the united states,” the spell checker won’t question it.
Do not automatically accept the spell checker’s suggestions. Doing so can lead you to choose the wrong word.