15c Integrate visuals and media effectively.

Integrate visuals and media effectively.

Choose visuals and media wisely, whether you use video, audio, photographs, illustrations, charts and graphs, or other kinds of images. Integrate all visuals and media smoothly into your text.

Whenever you post documents containing visuals or media to the Web, make sure you check for copyright information. While it is considered “fair use” to use such materials in an essay or other project for a college class, once that project is published on the Web, you might infringe on copyright protections if you do not ask the copyright holder for permission to use the visual or media file. U.S. copyright law considers the reproduction of works for purposes of teaching and scholarship to be “fair use” not bound by copyright, but the law is open to multiple interpretations. If you have questions about whether your work might infringe on copyright, ask your instructor for help.

Just like quotations, paraphrases, and summaries, visuals and media need to be introduced and commented on in some way.

For more on using visuals, see 8d.

Exercise > Research: Integrating sources