Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation)

Read the passage below from Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel. Decide whether each passage that follows uses material from the original passage acceptably or whether the usage might be considered plagiarism. If the usage is acceptable, choose "okay." If it is plagiarized, choose "unacceptable." (This exercise follows APA style, but note that you are NOT being asked whether the details of the documentation are correct.) For help with this topic, see Writing in Action, section 15g.


Cro-Magnon garbage heaps yield not only stone tools but also tools of bone, whose suitability for shaping (for instance, into fishhooks) had apparently gone unrecognized by previous humans. Tools were produced in diverse and distinctive shapes so modern that their functions as needles, awls, engraving tools, and so on are obvious to us. Instead of only single-piece tools such as hand-held scrapers, multipiece tools made their appearance. Recognizable multipiece weapons at Cro-Magnon sites include harpoons, spear-throwers, and eventually bows and arrows, the precursors of rifles and other multipiece modern weapons. Those efficient means of killing at a safe distance permitted the hunting of such dangerous prey as rhinos and elephants, while the invention of rope for nets, lines, and snares allowed the addition of fish and birds to our diet. Remains of houses and sewn clothing testify to a greatly improved ability to survive in cold climates, and remains of jewelry and carefully buried skeletons indicate revolutionary aesthetic and spiritual developments.

From page 39 of Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1999).

1 of 10

Diamond (1999) noted that the Cro-Magnon’s complex tools provided an efficient means of killing dangerous prey at a safe distance.


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - Diamond (1999) noted that the Cro-Magnon’s complex tools provided an efficient means of killing dangerous prey at a safe distance.

2 of 10

Remains of Cro-Magnon houses and sewn clothing testify to a greatly improved ability to survive in cold climates.


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - Remains of Cro-Magnon houses and sewn clothing testify to a greatly improved ability to survive in cold climates.

3 of 10

Cro-Magnon archeological sites show that these early humans made instruments not just from stone but bone as well. They shaped bone into a wide variety of forms that were clearly used for sewing and engraving.


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - Cro-Magnon archeological sites show that these early humans made instruments not just from stone but bone as well. They shaped bone into a wide variety of forms that were clearly used for sewing and engraving.

4 of 10

Diamond (1999) has said that “remains of [Cro-Magnon] jewelry and carefully buried skeletons indicate revolutionary aesthetic and spiritual developments” (p. 39).


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - Diamond (1999) has said that “remains of [Cro-Magnon] jewelry and carefully buried skeletons indicate revolutionary aesthetic and spiritual developments” (p. 39).

5 of 10

The Cro-Magnons appear to be the first humans in history to have used complex, modern tools.


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - The Cro-Magnons appear to be the first humans in history to have used complex, modern tools.

6 of 10

Cro-Magnons undoubtedly enjoyed hunting for sport, as evidenced by archeological finds such as “harpoons, spear-throwers, and eventually bows and arrows” (Diamond, 1999, p. 39).


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - Cro-Magnons undoubtedly enjoyed hunting for sport, as evidenced by archeological finds such as “harpoons, spear-throwers, and eventually bows and arrows” (Diamond, 1999, p. 39).

7 of 10

Cro-Magnons, through their invention of increasingly complex tools, made great strides in modern human development (Diamond, 1999).


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - Cro-Magnons, through their invention of increasingly complex tools, made great strides in modern human development (Diamond, 1999).

8 of 10

According to Diamond (1999), the Cro-Magnon practice of making tools from bones was an idea that “had apparently gone unrecognized by previous humans” (p. 39). Cro-Magnons developed a wide variety of bone tools that were clearly used for sewing and engraving.


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - According to Diamond (1999), the Cro-Magnon practice of making tools from bones was an idea that “had apparently gone unrecognized by previous humans” (p. 39). Cro-Magnons developed a wide variety of bone tools that were clearly used for sewing and engraving.

9 of 10

The Cro-Magnons “produced [tools] in diverse and distinctive shapes” that were undoubtedly used for sophisticated crafts such as sewing and engraving (Diamond, 1999, p. 39).


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - The Cro-Magnons “produced [tools] in diverse and distinctive shapes” that were undoubtedly used for sophisticated crafts such as sewing and engraving (Diamond, 1999, p. 39).

10 of 10

As Diamond (1999) has observed, effective tools for safer hunting allowed Cro-Magnons to stalk and kill hazardous beasts.


Chapter 15 - Avoiding plagiarism (APA documentation): - As Diamond (1999) has observed, effective tools for safer hunting allowed Cro-Magnons to stalk and kill hazardous beasts.