Exercise 20.6


The paragraph below has been checked with a spell checker. Proofread carefully and correct any errors the spell checker missed.

I see that you have send me a warning about a computer virus that can destroy my hard drive, mangle my soft ware, and generally reek havoc on my computer. How ever, you may not be aware oft he fact that warnings like this one are almost never real. When a message axes you to foreword it to every one in you’re address book, you should know immediately that its a hoax. User who send false warnings about viruses to hundreds of there friends are not doing any one a favor; instead, they are simple slowing down traffic on line and creating problems that maybe worst then any technical difficulties cause by the virus—if the virus even exist. Please insure that warnings contain a grain of true before you past them on. If your worried that my computer might be in danger, set you mind at easy. I will except responsibility if the machine goes hay wire.

For additional advice on commonly confused words, see the glossary of usage in Chapter 21.

Exercise 20.6: The paragraph below has been checked with a spell checker. Proofread carefully and correct any errors the spell checker missed.