Exercise 32.1


Look at the following sentences, which use the passive voice. Then rewrite each sentence in the active voice, and decide which version you prefer and why. Example:


  1. Mistakes were made.

    Exercise 32.1: Mistakes were made.
  2. Musical legends such as Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, and Johnny Cash have all influenced Norah Jones.

    Exercise 32.1: Musical legends such as Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, and Johnny Cash have all influenced Norah Jones.
  3. Numerous reports of loud music from bars and shouting neighbors were taken by the city’s new noise-complaint hotline.

    Exercise 32.1: Numerous reports of loud music from bars and shouting neighbors were taken by the city’s new noise-complaint hotline.
  4. The violin solo was performed by an eight-year-old.

    Exercise 32.1: The violin solo was performed by an eight-year-old.
  5. In a patient with celiac disease, intestinal damage can be caused by the body’s immunological response to gluten.

    Exercise 32.1: In a patient with celiac disease, intestinal damage can be caused by the body’s immunological response to gluten.