Revise the following sentences, using parentheses and brackets correctly. Example:
The committee was presented with three options to pay for the new park: 1 increase vehicle registration fees, 2 install parking meters downtown, or 3 borrow money from the reserve fund.
Exercise 40.1: The committee was presented with three options to pay for the new park: 1 increase vehicle registration fees, 2 install parking meters downtown, or 3 borrow money from the reserve fund.
The FISA statute authorizes government wiretapping only under certain circumstances for instance, the government has to obtain a warrant.
Exercise 40.1: The FISA statute authorizes government wiretapping only under certain circumstances for instance, the government has to obtain a warrant.
The health care expert informed readers that “as we progress through middle age, we experience intimations of our own morality sic.”
Exercise 40.1: The health care expert informed readers that “as we progress through middle age, we experience intimations of our own morality sic.”
Some hospitals train nurses in a pseudoscientific technique called therapeutic touch TT, which has been discredited by many rigorous studies.
Exercise 40.1: Some hospitals train nurses in a pseudoscientific technique called therapeutic touch TT, which has been discredited by many rigorous studies.
Because I was carrying an umbrella, which, as it turned out, wasn’t even necessary, I was required to enter the stadium through the high-security gate.
Exercise 40.1: Because I was carrying an umbrella, which, as it turned out, wasn’t even necessary, I was required to enter the stadium through the high-security gate.