Exercise 43.1


In each of the following sentences, indicate any words that should be italicized. Also indicate any words that are italicized but should not be. Example:

The film Good Night, and Good Luck tells the story of a CBS newsman who helped end the career of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Italicize: Good Night, and Good Luck

  1. One critic claimed that few people listened to The Velvet Underground & Nico when the record was issued but that everyone who did formed a band.

    Exercise 43.1: One critic claimed that few people listened to The Velvet Underground & Nico when the record was issued but that everyone who did formed a band.
  2. Homemade sushi can be dangerous, but so can deviled eggs kept too long in a picnic basket.

    Exercise 43.1: Homemade sushi can be dangerous, but so can deviled eggs kept too long in a picnic basket.
  3. The Web site Poisonous Plants and Animals includes tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum) in its list of the most popular poisons in the world.

    Exercise 43.1: The Web site Poisonous Plants and Animals includes tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum) in its list of the most popular poisons in the world.
  4. The monster in the Old English epic Beowulf got to tell his own side of the story in John Gardner’s novel Grendel.

    Exercise 43.1: The monster in the Old English epic Beowulf got to tell his own side of the story in John Gardner’s novel Grendel.
  5. The 2009 film Star Trek imagines the youthful life of James T. Kirk and his early years as a starship captain.

    Exercise 43.1: The 2009 film Star Trek imagines the youthful life of James T. Kirk and his early years as a starship captain.