You may need to browse other parts of a site to find some of the following elements, and some sites may omit elements. Uncover as much information as you can.
- 1 Author. List the last name first. End with a period. If no author is given, begin with the title. For variations, see models 2–5.
- 2 Title of work. Enclose the title and any subtitle in quotation marks.
- 3 Title of Web site. Give the title of the entire Web site, italicized.
- 4 Publisher or sponsor. Look for the sponsor’s name at the bottom of the home page. If no information is available, write N.p. Follow it with a comma.
- 5 Date of publication or latest update. Give the most recent date, followed by a period. If no date is available, use n.d.
- 6 Medium. Use Web and follow it with a period.
- 7 Date of access. Give the date you accessed the work. End with a period.
A citation for the work on p. 435 would look like this: