- 1 Author. List all authors’ last names first, and use only initials for first and middle names. For more about citing authors, see models 1–5.
- 2 Publication date. Enclose the date in parentheses. For journals, use only the year. For magazines and newspapers, use the year, a comma, the month (spelled out), and the day, if given.
- 3 Article title. Do not italicize or enclose article titles in quotation marks. Capitalize only the first word of the article title and subtitle and any proper nouns or proper adjectives.
- 4 Periodical title. Italicize the periodical title (and subtitle, if any), and capitalize all major words. Follow the periodical title with a comma.
- 5 Volume and issue numbers. Give the volume number (italicized) and, without a space in between, the issue number (if given) in parentheses. Follow with a comma.
- 6 Page numbers. Give the inclusive page numbers of the article. For newspapers only, include the abbreviation p. (“page”) or pp. (“pages”) before the page numbers. End the citation with a period.
A citation for the periodical article on p. 473 would look like this: