- 1 Author. Include the author’s name as you would for a print source. List all authors’ last names first, and use initials for first and middle names. For more about citing authors, see models 1–5.
- 2 Publication date. Enclose the date in parentheses. For journals, use only the year. For magazines and newspapers, use the year, a comma, the month, and the day if given.
- 3 Article title. Capitalize only the first word of the article title and the subtitle and any proper nouns or proper adjectives.
- 4 Periodical title. Italicize the periodical title.
- 5 Volume and issue numbers. For journals and magazines, give the volume number (italicized) and the issue number (in parentheses).
- 6 Page numbers. For journals only, give inclusive page numbers.
- 7 Retrieval information. If the article has a DOI (digital object identifier), include that number after the publication information; do not include the name of the database. If there is no DOI, write Retrieved from followed by the URL of the journal’s home page (not the database URL).
A citation for the article on p. 477 would look like this: