- 1 Author. In a note, list the author(s) first name first. In the bibliographic entry, list the first author last name first, comma, first name; list other authors first name first.
- 2 Article title. Enclose the title and subtitle (if any) in quotation marks, and capitalize major words. In the notes section, put a comma before and after the title. In the bibliography, put a period before and after.
- 3 Periodical title. Italicize the title and subtitle, and capitalize all major words. For a magazine or newspaper, follow with a comma.
- 4 Volume and issue numbers (for journals) and date. For journals, follow the title with the volume number, a comma, the abbreviation no., and the issue number; enclose the publication year in parentheses and follow with a comma (in a note) or with a period (in a bibliography). For other periodicals, give the month and year or month, day, and year, not in parentheses, followed by a comma.
- 5 Page numbers. In a note, give the page where the information is found. In the bibliographic entry, give the page range.
- 6 Retrieval information. Provide the article’s DOI, if one is given; the name of the database and an accession number; or a “stable or persistent” URL for the article in the database. Because you provide stable retrieval information, you do not need to identify the electronic format of the work (for example, a PDF, as in the following model). End with a period.
Citations for the journal article on p. 511 would look like this: