52c Create a CSE list of references.

Create a CSE list of references.

The citations in the text of an essay correspond to items on a list titled References, which starts on a new page at the end of the essay. Continue to number the pages consecutively, center the title References one inch from the top of the page, and double-space before beginning the first entry.

The order of the entries depends on which format you follow:

In the following examples, you will notice that the citation-sequence and citation-name formats call for listing the date after the publisher’s name in references for books and after the periodical name in references for articles. The name-year format calls for listing the date immediately after the author’s name in any kind of reference.

CSE style also specifies the treatment and placement of the following basic elements in the list of references:

As you refer to these examples, pay attention to how publication information (publishers for books, details about periodicals for articles) and other specific elements are styled and punctuated.