Chapter 2: Complex Societies in Southwest Asia and the Nile Valley 3800–500 b.c.e.
Quiz for Document 2-2: Law and Order in Ancient Babylonia
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Correct. The answer is c. While a victim could demand “an eye for an eye” from his or her social equal, elite perpetrators usually paid a fine when their victims were commoners.
Incorrect. The answer is c. While a victim could demand “an eye for an eye” from his or her social equal, elite perpetrators usually paid a fine when their victims were commoners.
Correct. The answer is b. Hammurabi’s code regulated many facets of familial relationships; for example, it dealt with seigniors who committed adultery.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Hammurabi’s code regulated many facets of familial relationships; for example, it dealt with seigniors who committed adultery.