Use the market for loanable funds shown in the accompanying diagram to explain what happens to private savings, private investment spending, and the interest rate if each of the following events occur. Assume that there are no capital inflows or outflows.
The graph shows demand and supply curves labeled D and S respectively. The horizontal axis is labeled ‘Quantity of loanable funds’, and the vertical axis is labeled ‘Interest rate’. The supply curve S is an upward sloping line that originates at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical axes. The demand curve D is a downward sloping line that originates from the vertical axis and extends to a point on the horizontal axis. The point of intersection of S and D is labeled E and corresponds to a point Q1 on the horizontal axis and rate r1 on the vertical axis.
a. If the government reduces the size of its deficit to zero there will be a(n) ihyXI3vweKBVkqtuOIeAYqcmI9iXy7Xh in the ydtncxPy4jWPZjitV933hu/nI3I= of loanable funds. Reducing deficits to zero will cause interest rates to u/Bo3/Gu/P09VZ6/Dkn0NQ==.
Use the market for loanable funds shown in the accompanying diagram to explain what happens to private savings, private investment spending, and the interest rate if each of the following events occur. Assume that there are no capital inflows or outflows.
The graph shows demand and supply curves labeled D and S respectively. The horizontal axis is labeled ‘Quantity of loanable funds’, and the vertical axis is labeled ‘Interest rate’. The supply curve S is an upward sloping line that originates at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical axes. The demand curve D is a downward sloping line that originates from the vertical axis and extends to a point on the horizontal axis. The point of intersection of S and D is labeled E and corresponds to a point Q1 on the horizontal axis and rate r1 on the vertical axis.
b. At any given interest rate, if consumers decide to save more and the government budget remains unchanged there will be a(n) Z5/pDly332AjV3TKqM8FMDiwwqSIBbJS in the PuLKO2w5dBBF8OuAiN09YfUEOv8= of loanable funds. This will cause the interest rate to u/Bo3/Gu/P09VZ6/Dkn0NQ==.
Use the market for loanable funds shown in the accompanying diagram to explain what happens to private savings, private investment spending, and the interest rate if each of the following events occur. Assume that there are no capital inflows or outflows.
The graph shows demand and supply curves labeled D and S respectively. The horizontal axis is labeled ‘Quantity of loanable funds’, and the vertical axis is labeled ‘Interest rate’. The supply curve S is an upward sloping line that originates at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical axes. The demand curve D is a downward sloping line that originates from the vertical axis and extends to a point on the horizontal axis. The point of intersection of S and D is labeled E and corresponds to a point Q1 on the horizontal axis and rate r1 on the vertical axis.
c. At any given interest rate, if businesses become very optimistic about the future profitability of investment spending and the government budget remains unchanged then the Glw+rSDuFZhvxn7epPgdMM0oWlU= of loanable funds will Z5/pDly332AjV3TKqM8FMDiwwqSIBbJS. This will cause interest rates to TuJN6iTS2KGBP4jBi/sn7g==.