Question 1 of 4

Work It Out
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Please identify the appropriate independent and dependent variables in the following statement:

Studies have found a relationship between a country’s yearly rate of economic growth and the yearly rate of increase in airborne pollutants. It is believed that a higher rate of economic growth allows a country’s residents to have more cars and travel more, thereby releasing more airborne pollutants.

______ is the independent variable and ______ is the dependent variable.


Suppose that in the country of Sudland, when the yearly rate of economic growth fell from 3.0% to 1.5%, the yearly rate of increase in airborne pollutants fell from 6% to 5%. What is the average slope of a nonlinear curve between these points using the arc method?


Now suppose that when the yearly rate of economic growth rose from 3.5% to 4.5%, the yearly rate of increase in airborne pollutants rose from 5.5% to 7.5%. What is the average slope of a nonlinear curve between these two points using the arc method?


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between airborne pollutants and the economic growth rate?
