You have $1,000 that you can invest. If you buy General Motors stock, then, in one year’s time: with a probability of 0.4 you will get $1,600; with a probability of 0.4 you will get $1,100; and with a probability of 0.2 you will get $800. If you put the money into the bank, in one year’s time you will get $1,100 for certain.
What is the expected value of your earnings from investing in General Motors stock?
You have $1,000 that you can invest. If you buy General Motors stock, then, in one year’s time: with a probability of 0.4 you will get $1,600; with a probability of 0.4 you will get $1,100; and with a probability of 0.2 you will get $800. If you put the money into the bank, in one year’s time you will get $1,100 for certain.
Suppose you prefer putting your money into the bank to investing it in General Motors stock. What does that tell us about your attitude to risk?